Search results for: Don Morley

Don Morley, photographer extraordinary

On Macfilos Photo today: A fascinating insight into the career of photo journalist Don Morley and his...

Don Morley: Photo professional and Leica fan

Fifty years ago I worked with Don Morley, a life-long Leica enthusiast, a professional photo journalist...

Croydon Photo Centre: Just Leica trip back in time

Last week my old friend and colleague Don Morley called to say he was planning a visit with two collector friends, Bernard Lockley and Keith Mason whom I have met on a number of occasions. So I determined to make the effort and it turned out to be an enlightening and memorable experience.

Farewell Erwin Puts: One of the world’s foremost Leica experts dies at 77

Erwin Puts, who has died at the age of 76, was one of the world's foremost experts on Leica cameras and lenses. Don Morley pays a tribute to his friend...

Kodak: The end of an American Moment

Mike Evans and Don Morley reflect on one of the titans of the photographic world, the great Kodak company...

Press photography with the screw-mount Leicas

Press photographer Don Morley looks back on his reliance on pre-war screw-mount Leicas for his daily bread and butter, back in the 1950s.

The painful progress from film to digital photography

After a lifetime of professional photography, Don Morley was thrust into the digital deep end back in 2002. He survived and has found new enthusiasm.

Capturing Old Winston’s funeral and Young Winston’s election

Don Morley was on hand to record the funeral of Winston Churchill and the electioneering of Young Winston....

Leaving your Leica M9 switched on all day

While out with photo-journalist Don Morley last week I learned something interesting about power management on the M8, M9 and Monochrome. Don, who carries around two M9s and has also had extensive experience with the M8, reckons that leaving the camera switched on is the way to better power management, longer battery life and, along the way, makes the cameras quicker to use when needed.

Leica X Vario revisited: Simplicity and excellence

Since my outing with photo-journalist Don Morley last week I have been doing a lot of thinking about the Leica X Vario. Sometimes I imagine I am the only person thinking deeply about it, judging by the many ill-informed  comments we read in various blogs. The chance to compare XV and the Fuji X-E2 was a lesson.

Zoom Madness: Tri-Elmar versus Leica X Vario and Fuji X-E2

Don Morley asked what I really thought of the Leica X Vario. We were chatting about by email/ He had read my review of the XV earlier in the year and had been thinking of buying one. So we concocted a test session and decided to add a a direct competitor and an odd-ball outsideer combination of the world's only consumer black-and-white camera with Leica's equally odd-ball Tri-Elmar pseudo zoom.

Prioritising Weight over Speed: Is this the new fashion in lens design?

More zoom lenses are being introduced which are lightweight but possess slow minimum apertures. Are we really sacrificing anything when buying such a lens? Keith puts one such lens, the Lumix 20-60mm f/3.5-5.6 zoom through its paces.