Search results for: Leica Gallery

Bryan Adams: Classics at the Leica Gallery London

In collaboration with CROSSOVER Hamburg, from 22 June to 31 August 2023, Leica Gallery London will present photographs by...

Andy Summers and Harmonics of the Night at the Leica Gallery London

A selection of Andy Summers' photographs will be on display from March 26 to April 30 at the Leica Gallerie in London...

Leica D-Lux 7 007 edition kicks off James Bond exhibition at Leica Gallery in London

The month James Bond exhibition at the Leica Gallery London is commemorated by a special limited Leica D-Lux 7 007 edition costing ÂŁ1,750...

Thomas Hoepker’s Wanderlust exhibition opens at Leica Gallery London in January

Leica Gallery London announces Thomas Hoepker’s “Wanderlust” Exhibition which will run from January 8 to 12 February 2023

Mark Cohen exhibition at Leica Gallery London

Since Leica Gallery London opened in February, the new destination has hosted inspiring exhibitions of iconic Leica photographers. The...

Leica Store and Gallery Konstanz: A new venue for photographers

Constance, in southern German is now on the Leica map: A new Leica Store which opened last weekend and a Leica Gallery will welcome visirtors from May 17.

London’s Leica Store and Gallery gets the bubbles in

London's new Leica Store and Gallery is grandly opened with the aid of an odd bottle or two of bubbly

Leica V-Lux 2014: Samples gallery

Work in progress: This gallery of shots taken with the new one-inch-sensor Leica V-Lux will be updated and referenced in the forthcoming review of the camera. Many of the photographs were taken at the Regent Street Car Show and the RAC Bonhams' London-Brighton veteran run over the weekend of November 1/2. Information will be added later.

Canon EOS M and Leica Lenses: Samples gallery

This gallery is work in progress. I am planning to review the Canon EOS M, not as an overpriced ÂŁ800 mirrorless wannabe but as a cheap and very cheerful ÂŁ199 APS-C camera that is actually very competent. The EOS was damned by reports of slow autofocus. But is a solid camera, built in Japan, and performs well. The touch-screen interface is one of the best. Even the autofocus actually isn't all that bad after the latest firmware update.

Discontinued Leica WATE: Farewell to a unique lens

Leica has stopped selling the Wide-Angle Tri-Elmar-M 16-18-21 aka WATE. It was and is a unique lens which can help produce extraordinary pictures…

Leica Centennial: Teddy bears and pens, shopping bags and cufflinks hit the market

The Leica Centennial celebrations are boosted today by a bewildering array of merchandise which will be released throughout the year. Enhanced by leading brands like Steiff and Faber-Castell, the eclectic collection is aimed at both collectors and at the casual centennial celebrator.

Leica SL3-S Review: Jonathan Slack tests the speedy new 24MP full-frame camera

Jonathan Slack reviews the latest Leica SL3-S, the 24MP full-framer that Leica says is “the fastest Leica camera ever made”…