Search results for: Leica Q

Istanbul: An odyssey through chaos, carpets, and call to prayer with a Leica Q-P

Istanbul is a crossroads city at the interception of cultures. It is both traditional and modern. It's Western and Eastern European, and the gateway to Asia. It defies easy definition and for that reason is a magnet for curious travelers.

Leica Q3 43 in real life: Resistance is futile, so I gave in and got the thing after all

The new Leica Q3 43 is a highly versatile and powerful camera. First tests in real life conditions show its full potential.

Leica Q3 43: Narrower field of view is a boon for some street photographers

Leica's Q3 43 offers a new tool for street photographers. The narrower 43mm optic is a welcome change for those of us who like the Q-series but prefer a little more distance from the subject…

Taking A Leica Q3 on Holiday: Photography, fishing, and footwear

The most important factor in deciding where to take my Leica Q3 on holiday is whether I can photograph interesting subjects near to my hotel. I hit the jackpot at a spot less than 10 km from Ephesus.

A winter journey in Provence: travels with a Leica Q3-28 and Leica Q3-43

In the Luberon, where I’m fortunate enough to live, there’s a temptation to believe you may have already seen the best of Provence. But every so often, the call of another village, just a bit further afield, lures you out of your comfort zone…

The Leica Q3 43 goes to Crete and becomes the noumero ena for travel

I received the Q3 43 when I visited Wetzlar in August. I spent all my time with it until we went to Crete on September 23, by which time I had written my article and selected the pictures for the release date three days later...

Leica Q3 43 Readers’ Report: Your chance to contribute to a Macfilos review of the new compact

The Leica Q3 43 has come into my life, and I am loving it. Now for the Readers' Report...

Leica Q3 43: Long-term review of the new fixed-lens compact. But why 43?

The Q has been a remarkable success for Leica, which is absolutely deserved. Now we have an odd 43mm version of the original in response to calls for a longer lens...

Review: Multifunctional Protector for Leica Q3 and Q3 43

The new Multifunctional Protector for the new Q3 43 and the existing Q3 is a sleek sleeve which brings the benefit of an Arcos Swiss base for easy tripod mounting. But it does have two problems...

Leica Q3 43: The camera that sees the world like the human eye

Leica today announces a 43mm variant of the popular fixed-lens compact, the Leica Q3 43. The new focal length...

Leica Q3: A one-year review, photographing the people of Skye by night

Now that my Leica Q3 is one year old, and well-used, it’s a good time to do a comprehensive review of this little camera. It’s only once you’ve used a camera in real-world, highly stressed situations that you get a true understanding of its capabilities. I’ve had plenty of those situations in the past twelve months! And here’s what I think…

Operation Lock Almost: One way to tame that skittering focus point on the Leica Q3

Operation Lock. That’s what Panasonic calls it. All modern Panasonic Lumix cameras, as far as I know, offer this quick and convenient method of locking down the controls so you can be sure none of your settings will be upset by itchy fingers or wandering thumbs. Similar features are common in many modern cameras. But Leica has steadfastly refused to add an easily operated operation lock function to prevent the four-way pad or the joystick (where fitted) from moving the focus point around unbidden.