Search results for: monochrom

Leica announces two new Monochrom Watch Editions

Everything appears to be going monochrome these days. Today Leica is expanding its horological catalogue with the ZM1 and...

Review: Leica M11 Monochrom after eight months of testing

Jonathan Slack has spent eight months with Leica's new black-and-white masterpiece, M11 Monochrom. This is his verdict...

Leica M11 Monochrom features 60MP triple resolution sensor and 256GB storage

Leica's fourth-generation M11 Monochrom features a 60MP sensor with triple-resolution technology and a massive 256GB of internal storage...

A new monochrome camera arrives — priced at £2,250

Ricoh Pentax surprises with a monochrome APS-C DSLR based on the Pentax K-3 Mk III...

Homo monochromensis: a tale of palaeontology and photography in black and white

Have you ever wondered why images in black and white hold such fascination for photographers or why many consider...

Leica Q2 Monochrom and the Big Mac Index — a tale of three cities

Economists use that oft-vilified American fast-food export, the Big Mac, to determine purchasing power parity (PPP) between countries. That’s...

Leica M10 Monochrom discontinued at US dealers

The departure of the Leica M10 Monochrom represents the end of the M10 line and paves the way for the launch of an all-new M11-based monochrome camera sooner rather than later...

Leica M11-M could be coming sooner in the product cycle than previous monochrome versions

The monochrome version of Leica's latest M11 could be nearer than we think. Mike takes a look at recent developments and also keeps the flag flying for the screenless -D version...

John Shingleton gets accolade in Australian/NZ Monochrome Awards competition

Congratulations to Macfilos's Australian contributor, John Shingleton for his success in the Australian/NZ Monochrome Awards Competition

Monochrome: The extra creative dimension

Since my earliest days when training as a student photographer and designer, my fascination with and love of black...

Leica Q2 Monochrom Reporter now on sale

Leica's new Q2 Monochrom Reporter with its Kevlar hide and abrasion-resistant military green paintork lands in dealers in time for a bit of action...

Shooting marine landscape with Leica M9 and M-Monochrom

As a break from the trials of lockdown, why not take a tour of Brighton's cosmopolitan seafront together with Leica photographers Kris Pawlowski and John Brockliss