Where better to hold s Dickens Festival than the City of Rochester? But Rochester has a surfeit, no fewer than TW0 Dickens extravaganzas, one for the winter, one for the summer. See which characters you can spot on this December outing…..
Dave was searching for a lighter all-in-one compact and hand't considered Leica. Then he found a beautiful used Leica X at Red Dot Cameras....
Despite my love of the latest gadgets, I do have a soft spot for old mechanical contraptions such as typewriters, trams, cars and, of course, steam engines. So I am grateful to Engadget for news of the latest development in USB-charging power. An enterprising mechanic has harnessed a small steam engine to a generator in order to produce enough power to charge and run any device that can take a USB feed--including our beloved iPhone. Now this is much more fun than simply plugging the thing into the wall socket. It makes a lovely noise and you really get all the visual and audible clues that your device is being charged.
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Jon Cheffings (US)
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