
    The Pocketable Ricoh GRIIIx HDF – good enough?

    Is the Ricoh GR3X HDF good enough for a discerning photographer like yourself? Andrew Tobin helps you to decide for yourself…

    Crop zoom: How viable is digital zooming on modern fixed-lens cameras?

    The current crop of popular fixed lens wide-angle-lens cameras all feature variations of crop-to-zoom. You are positively encouraged to crop your Leica Q3 28mm...

    Classic Digital Cameras: Is the revival a passing phase?

    Does the “classic digital” camera exist, or is the term an oxymoron? Many believe that a classic is, by...

    Pentax 17: New film camera is received with mixed views

    They really did it: Ricoh has launched the new Pentax 17 film camera. It's half-format with a default portrait mode, pretty much as the young smartphone users love it, Will it be successful? And what do the first reviewers say?

    USB-C: The standard that makes reliable in-camera charging a reality

    What does USB-C mean to you? Convenience, fewer cables, lower cost, in-camera charging? The latest connector, which is now virtually universal, is all these things. But in the photographic world there is still controversy because the new standard has encouraged manufacturers to concentrate on in-camera charging and the removal of external charging options. Not everyone welcomes this…

    Street Photography: My pocketable, relatively affordable, extremely stylish Leica companion

    The debate rages on about the best camera for street photography, but Keith would argue that a discontinued gem, the Leica TL2, is a great option out on the street.

    Jason’s Newsround: Lies, damn lies, rumours, and statistics

    Camera gear addicts love a good camera gear rumour, especially if it's about a long-awaited, highly-desirable piece of kit. This week, we've got a few to share.

    Jason’s Newsround: List mania, the professional brute and renewed interest in Thypoch

    Everyone loves camera gear reviews. And they are even harder to resist in the form of a listicle. This week, you are not just getting your camera gear review fix, but news of two recent 'Best of' lists.