
    Bouldering in Nevada: Boldly going where no Leica M has gone before

    The close proximity of climbers means that photographing bouldering with a Leica M camera and a 35mm lens is a straightforward proposition.

    Discontinued Leica WATE: Farewell to a unique lens

    Leica has stopped selling the Wide-Angle Tri-Elmar-M 16-18-21 aka WATE. It was and is a unique lens which can help produce extraordinary pictures…

    Leitz Photographica Auction: M Prototype sells for €2 million

    A rare prototype Leica M sold for an astonishing 2.4 million euros at last weekend's 45th Leitz Photographica Auction…

    Getting the best deal when buying and selling Leica equipment

    Ever wondered how much your interest in photography costs you? Good bookkeeping and prudent management of your gear can keep those costs low.

    M Files (27): Voigtländer Nokton VM 50mm lenses, a Noctilux and a Summilux for mortal M-Mount users?

    Voigtländer has several fast M-Mount lenses in the line-up: The Nokton with f/1.0 and the Nokton f/1.5 appear to be interesting alternatives to Leica’s similarly speced, but far more expensive Noctilux and Summilux lenses. Part 27 of our M Files series reviews the two Voigtländers in this truly classic focal length.

    Light Lens Lab’s new/old 28mm f/2.8 9E

    Light Lens Lab re-made another classic Leitz/Leica lens: The first Elmarit 28/2.8, also called 9E for its nine elements, comes with an interesting mixture of old virtues and modern improvements.

    M Files (26): Third-party lenses for Leica on steroids with 6-bit-coding and EXIF tweaking

    M-Mount lenses from other manufacturers than Leica have no 6-bit coding. This brings a couple of disadvantages. Part 26 of our M Files series shows workarounds for do-it-yourself coding as well as for obtaining correct EXIF data in a digital workflow. 

    Rangefinder Photography: Touring the Pacific Coast Highway and Carmel

    In the second part of his visit to the Monterey Peninsula, Keith takes us on a brief visit to one of the most famous towns, and most famous coastlines, in California. Armed with an M240 and three lenses, he shows us how well a Leica-M kits handles California's most scenic spots.