Photographers’ playground at Whitby steampunk festival

Never a dull moment in Whitby. From Dracula and Goths to steam punk, there's lots to exercise your shutter at this North Yorkshire seaside resort

Fuji enchantment at Chatsworth House

Chatsworth is regarded as one of the foremost stately homes in the United Kingdom, combining architecture and landscaping in an incredible setting. It's one of David Bailey's favourite haunts and here he leads you through the Chatsworth story.

London’s Narrowest House: A tight squeeze for £1 million

If you have the odd million quid knocking around and fancy a bit of a squeeze, London's narrowest house (reputedly) could be just the ticket...

Munich Olympics 1972 Crisis: How I became the only photographer in the village

After a decade of dodging bullets in war zones, Don thought the 1972 Munich OIympics would be strenuous but fun. He got more than he bargained for....

Shooting marine landscape with Leica M9 and M-Monochrom

As a break from the trials of lockdown, why not take a tour of Brighton's cosmopolitan seafront together with Leica photographers Kris Pawlowski and John Brockliss

Stardust in Boston: A visit to the International Leica Society’s annual meet

The annual meeting of the International Leica Society is a great opportunity to meet the great and the good of the Leica world. William paid a visit to Boston for this year's event and met a plethory of interesting characters.

Top results at the Wetzlar auction: World-record lens bid

A world-record camera lens price of €500,000 was achieved at this month's Wetzlar Camera Auction. It was a Canon, although most attention at the auction was focused on Leica as usual...

Konstanz: A bustling city is dying out

The Covid-19 emergency is changing lives throughout Europe and the world. Macfilos contributor Jörg-Peter Rau takes a look at the city of Constance in Germany, right on the border with neighbouring Switzerland.

Honda Owners: Sixty years and counting

Sixty years ago, Mike founded the national Honda Owners Club in Britain. It has survived to its golden anniversary and continues to thrive. Here we visit last weekend's celebrations in the New Forest...

Lost Bugatti meets the 24-litre Napier-Railton at Brooklands

Last weekend I was fortunate to see the massive "Lost Bugatti" on display for a short time at Brooklands Museum alongside the equally impressive 24-litre Napier-Railton — a permanent exhibit at the famous race track and museum.

Of squares, colours, questions and a self-conscious artist

The Leica Galerie Konstanz is currently showing falk.brvt, formerly known as Falk Baron Rausch von Traubenberg. His work is all about geometry and the figure eight. Those willing to take on a bold concept will find plenty of challenge to ponder at the gallery until 2 April...

Leica Society at Leica in London

More photograph's from the Leica Society visit to Leica's flagship store and gallery in Duke Street, London.

Daisy, Daisy give me your answer, do. And do carry on chugging

Mike renews his acquaintance the Grand Dame of Brooklands, 113 years since she helped inaugurate the world's first purpose-built racing circuit. Daisy, daisy gave him her answer at long last...

Langley Vale Centenary Wood: The Regiment of Trees.

Kevin visits the new Regiment of Trees, commemorating the fallen of World War One, at Langley Value in Surrey, England.

The Pre-Tech Office 1: Behind the banking desk in the historic 1960s

Office life in the 1960s — manual typewriters, no computers, hard-slog hands-on labour. Mike takes a look into the past...