Photographing the magnificent Hoover dam requires some wide-angle action. What better lens to take with you than the affordable Lumix 20-60mm f/3.5-5.6 zoom?
In the Luberon, where I’m fortunate enough to live, there’s a temptation to believe you may have already seen the best of Provence. But every so often, the call of another village, just a bit further afield, lures you out of your comfort zone…
The Leica M11-P was often overshadowed by the Leica Q3 last year (and now, since the Q3 43 was released, even more so). That's why it's time to point out the (often underestimated) spectrum of possibilities offered by a rangefinder camera....
In the second part of his visit to the Monterey Peninsula, Keith takes us on a brief visit to one of the most famous towns, and most famous coastlines, in California. Armed with an M240 and three lenses, he shows us how well a Leica-M kits handles California's most scenic spots.
It's time for a quarterly recap of the most viewed Macfilos articles. No surprise which camera brand dominated the list this time around. Although the site is not devoted exclusively to Leica-related gear, it's clear that's what our readers are most interested in.