Tag: Konstanz

It’s coming home: Taking an old AkA camera back to Friedrichshafen

AkA Friedrichshafen, later akw, is one of the German post-war camera manufacturers that are almost forgotten now. Let's look at the company's history and its products. What cameras are the Akarex, Akarette, Akarelle or Arette?

Crisis and creativity: Photography in the times of Covid-19

As we approach the sad second anniversary of the Covid-19 pandemic, we realise how much everything has changed. Many of us have had to face personal tragedies and professional disruptions. In this context, it seems somewhat far-fetched to discuss the question of how photography and pandemic affected each other. But I want to make a point that it is not irrelevant at all...

Medieval construction site. Medieval Leica digital

With the much-loved M9 and its CCD sensor now under a bit of a cloud, Jörg-Peter takes an example of this "medieval" digital to a real medieval construction site, Campus Galli, to see what gives...

Leica Galerie Konstanz: The first year and into the future

Leica Stores and galleries are appearing in big cities throughout the world. But in Germany's "farthest corner", the Kostanz gallery is attracting visitors from the prosperous hinterland in Switzerland, western Austria, southern Germany and eastern France.

Konstanz: A bustling city is dying out

The Covid-19 emergency is changing lives throughout Europe and the world. Macfilos contributor Jörg-Peter Rau takes a look at the city of Constance in Germany, right on the border with neighbouring Switzerland.

Leica Cameras: 90 years of photojournalism

Leica cameras became the choice of photojournalists in the early 1930s and became even more popular with the introduction of the M3, M2 and M4 after 1954. Jörg-Peter Rau is still using the Leica rangefinder in his work for Südkurier in 2020...