Tag: Lightmeter

Decent exposure (4): The brand new Hedeco Lime Two light meter and one of its ancestors from NĂĽrnberg

This article reviews the German-made Hedeco Lime Two attachable light meter which is ideal for Leica and other rangefinder cameras. It also compares the Hedeco Lime Two to a historic Gossen Polysix electronic 2.

Decent Exposure Part 2: Hand-held light meters and what they are good for

The second part of our lightmeter review focuses on hand-held models, starting with the iconic Gossen Lunasix F and ending with Sekonic’s high-tech wonders…

Decent Exposure Part 1: Attachable external light meters and where they help

The first part of our lightmeter review homes in on hot-shoe-mounted devices, ranging from the original Leicameter to the latest electronic models...

New TT Artisans Light Meter comes in at under ÂŁ50

TT Artisans is on to a sure-fire winner with its sub-ÂŁ50 Lightmeter. Fans of non-metered Leica film cameras will be ready buyers for this neat and attractive little accessory...