Tag: M Mount lenses

The M Files (18): Everything but Leica M – here is our Navigator for all articles in the series

The M Files develops into the biggest knowledge base on M-mount lenses and cameras beyond Leica. This article gives a full overview of all featured cameras and lenses by Konica, Minolta, Rollei, Voigtländer, Zeiss and others. Access ≈10 camera plus 30+ lens reviews and more to come in this article which will be regularly expended.

The new Pixii rangefinder camera with APS-C sensor is now released

The French start-up has just released Version three of its Pixii rangefinder camera. Macfilos is looking forward to reviewing this interesting contribution to the rangefinder world.

The M Files (13): Three Konica M-Hexanon lenses – one of them is a real gem and truly exotic

Konica produced several lenses for their film-loading rangefinder camera, the Hexar RF. This article reviews the M-Hexanon 28/2.8, 90/,2.8 and the bi-focal lens 21-35/3.4-4.

Gateways to Heaven or at least to a new (rangefinder) world

There are questions you would rather avoid. And there are those you are only too eager to answer. In connection with the M-Files, I was asked such a welcome question quite a few times: "Now the time has come, I also want to buy a Leica like this, which can take pictures like in the past. But what should I choose?" Here is my answer.

The M Files Encore: five particularly recommendable M-Mount lenses

One of the major attractions of Leica's venerable M system is the astonishingly wide range of lenses, not just from Leica but from some of the best-known names in the history of lens technology...