Tag: Thypoch

What cameras and lenses do we need to take great photos?

Here are some great examples of how the gear you already own, or less expensive camera gear you might be thinking of buying, can still deliver great photos.

The trickle becomes a flood — it’s raining new M-lenses from China

We are enjoying a wave of new camera and lens options from two powerhouse manufacturing nations: Japan and China. From reimagined vintage lenses, to innovative camera bodies, it's a great time to be in the M- and L-Mount ecosystems.

Jason’s Newsround: Leica M reimagined, new show venues, Ricoh’s new GR III HDF cameras

In this week's news round, we look at the Leica M reimagined, a bold take on bringing the rangefinder up to date. There are new venues for two British photographic events, details of a toy camera that could make a fun present for any photographer, and a glimpse of a new collapsible 50mm f/2 lens for M-Mount. Plus, Fujifilm tells us that without the success of the X100, the company could have been in a difficult position. Finally, we look at all the wild rumours of a revolutionary Leica D-Lux 8. Sorry, but we don't think they are true.

M Files (24): M-Mount lenses from China, an overview

TTArtisan, 7Artisans, Laowa, Thypoch , Light Lens Lab, Polar, Mr. Ding, Funleader are some of the many new M-Mount lens manufacturers from China. Part 24 of our series, the M Files, gives a unique overview of the market.

M-Mount lenses with automatic depth-of-field scale

Our weekly news round continues with a new M-Mount lenses featuring an automatic depth-of-field scale. There's also a w(eir)dly named, vowelless panoramic digital full-frame camera with “viewfinder” aspirations, a design for a Lego M6, and a reminder of desirable Leica camera/lens bundles. We are also bringing tips on Leica’s perspective control, and news of the worst product name of the year...