Andrew Tobin

The Pocketable Ricoh GRIIIx HDF – good enough?

Is the Ricoh GR3X HDF good enough for a discerning photographer like yourself? Andrew Tobin helps you to decide for yourself…

Leica Q3: A one-year review, photographing the people of Skye by night

Now that my Leica Q3 is one year old, and well-used, it’s a good time to do a comprehensive review of this little camera. It’s only once you’ve used a camera in real-world, highly stressed situations that you get a true understanding of its capabilities. I’ve had plenty of those situations in the past twelve months! And here’s what I think…

Leica CL: 18-56 Vario-Elmarit-TL versus 24mm Summilux-M and 50mm Summilux-M

Continuing his comparisons between the Leica TL zooms and the best of M lenses, Andrew turns his attention to the mid-range "standard" 18-56mm Vario-Elmarit-TL and matches it with two class-leading Summiluxes from the M stable.....

Leica CL: 55-135mm-TL versus 90mm Summicron-M and 50mm Summilux-M

Andrew has swapped his Leica M10 for the Leica CL. A rash decision? After finally obtaining his "dream kit" of an M10, 24 Lux, 50 Lux and 90 Cron, how could he let his M10 go?
