Tag: black and white photography

Black and White Filters: Urgently needed and increasingly difficult to find

Serious black and white photography on film or a monochrome sensor is hardly possible without filters. But despite the b/w renaissance, filters are becoming less and less popular. Also with manufacturers.

Capturing the Decisive Musical Moment: The eyes have it

Capturing the essence of a concert performance in a single image - the decisive musical moment - is a challenge for photographers. One strategy is to focus on the musician's eyes - when they are closed that is.

Leica, Linda, Mary, and Paul: spot the common denominator

The McCartney family might be best known for their music, but they are also talented photographers. A new exhibition at the National Portrait gallery, by Paul McCartney, provides a unique, insider view of the early days of the Beatles.

Homo monochromensis: a tale of palaeontology and photography in black and white

Have you ever wondered why images in black and white hold such fascination for photographers or why many consider...

Leica Q2 Monochrom and the Big Mac Index — a tale of three cities

Economists use that oft-vilified American fast-food export, the Big Mac, to determine purchasing power parity (PPP) between countries. That’s...

Monochrome: The extra creative dimension

Since my earliest days when training as a student photographer and designer, my fascination with and love of black...