Tag: covid

Gazing at other worlds: The photographic opportunities closer to home

Surreal images of other worlds are all around you, but you just need to stay in the observing zone instead of being distracted by the phone or the cares of the world. Brian Nicol takes a flight of fancy during the Great Lockdown time...

Crisis and creativity: Photography in the times of Covid-19

As we approach the sad second anniversary of the Covid-19 pandemic, we realise how much everything has changed. Many of us have had to face personal tragedies and professional disruptions. In this context, it seems somewhat far-fetched to discuss the question of how photography and pandemic affected each other. But I want to make a point that it is not irrelevant at all...

Twelve pictures chronicle a year of misery and recovery

It was probably the worst year of John's life. But twelve photographs chronicle his progression through despair to renewed optimism and a zest for life...

Pictures in the time of Covid

Hundreds of thousands of photographers throughout the world have had to change tactics in the light of Covid and the many lockdowns. Jean made the best of staying local and this is his Covid photographic journal...

New South Wales: Lockdown walkie talkie and no-sit coffee

Lockdown comes to the NSW coast, so there's nothing for it but a walk, a talk and a stand-up coffee. But the little Sony RX100 puts a bit of spice into a dull day on the coast...

Lockdown easing: Thankful for small mercies

Today's the day: Here in England we're off the leash for the first time this year. Indoor hospitality and the reopening of hotels means that domestic travel is now back on the agenda. Mike is taking off in his new Tesla to celebrate...

Give them an inch: Extraordinary sights in London’s West End

London is already starting to celebrate the end of lockdown and the return to normality. But is the euphoria resulting in a too-sudden turnaround?

Covid-19: A time for reflection and an appreciation of the risk-takers

The name Kate Bingham is little known outside Britain. But she spearheaded the UK's vaccine procurement programme and she's played a blinder...

Shooting marine landscape with Leica M9 and M-Monochrom

As a break from the trials of lockdown, why not take a tour of Brighton's cosmopolitan seafront together with Leica photographers Kris Pawlowski and John Brockliss

A year of lockdowns and a bit of optimism for 2021

While 2020 is a year to forget for most of us, it won't be forgotten. It is now a date for the history books. But we should look forward to 2021 with a touch of optimism...

Coronavirus: The empty seats of Melbourne

Lockdown in Melbourne, the epicentre of the Australian fight against the pandemic. This article charts the way in which the city tackled this major emergency. It was a case of empty seats, empty places...

Photokina cancelled “for the time being”. Is this the end?

After several rearrangements of the deckchairs on the banks of the Rhine, Photokina has packed its bags... at least "for the time being"