On 21 November 2017, Leica announced the digital CL camera. Nobody would have thought that it would not only be the latest, but also the last APS-C camera. To honour the occasion, here is a small tribute and many recommendations for further reading.
The Voigtländer Nokton lenses are the brand's fastest and most expensive optics. Episode 20 of The M Files reviews the 21/1.4 and the 75/1.5 with VM Mount for Leica rangefinder and other cameras.
Isn't it time we stopped wasting our breath of mirrorless cameras? What's wrong with using just "camera"? Originally, the term mirrorless was used to differentiate between the new breed of camera and the more traditional reflex camera with its optical viewfinder. Now, "mirrorless" is the norm and is overwhelmingly popular if we include smartphones. The mirrorless camera should go the way of the horseless carriage...