Search results for: Leica V Lux

Leica V Lux 114: A fish out of water

Leica's V Lux has always been known as a sort of Swiss Army knife of cameras. With its 360 mm reach, it is extremely versatile. But is it a fish out of water at the Australian MotoGP?

Leica V Lux 4: Australia Day in mid summer

A hot muggy Australia Day in high summer and Wayne digs out the old Leica V Lux 4 for a bit of zooming from the Harbour Bridge. He proves that there's life yet in them thar old snappers....

Leica LUX Grip: The company heads further into the world of iPhone photography

Leica has introduced the LUX Grip, an iPhone accessory designed to give users a more camera-like experience, which is fully integrated with the Leica LUX app.

Leica firmware updates for M11, SL, Q3 and D-Lux bring improvements but few new features

Leica firmware for all four camera families is updated this month. They introduce a few new features, especially for the SL3, and many improvements. In addition, bug fixes are included and, as usual, we recommend updating your cameras as soon as possible.

Gloss black Leica M11 with matching Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH and leather accessories

Leica's gloss black M11 is likely to be the object of love at first sight for many brand aficionados. And the accompanying Noctilux-M f/1.2 retro-styled light magnet, also in Leica noir, will quell the slightest hint of resistance.

Leica D-Lux 8 Review: Redesigned compact becomes a full member of the Leica family

Leica's redesign of the D-Lux 8 is a distillation of the rather fussy D-Lux 7 appearance and user interface. It looks gorgeous and works effectively. But in the process of simplification, Leica has thrown out some features which, we think, are actually essential.

Leica D-Lux 8 loses popular features in quest for “the essential”

The new Leica D-Lux 8 claims to be reduced to "Das Wesentliche". But are all the really essential features present? Doubt is allowed...

Leica D-Lux 8 on sale: Detailed specification published for the first time

The Leica D-Lux 8, which was announced on May 23, is now officially on sale. The camera is the...

Leica acquires Fjorden and launches new Leica Lux smartphone application to mimic M lenses

Leica today announced the acquisition of Fjorden Electra SA, the Norwegian iPhone developer. Simultaneously, a new Leica Lux application was launched in the Apple App Store, representing the first product of the new partnership. Fjorden was founded by Dr Victor Henning in Oslo in 2020 with the aim of developing iPhone apps and accessories for the global market.

Leica Announces D-Lux 8: Latest version of the entry-level camera, sporting design cues from the Q

Leica has announced the launch of the D-Lux 8, a reimagined version of its entry-level camera, now drawing on design cues from its highly successful Q-series.

Leica introduces steel-rim 35mm Summilux limited edition in black

A limited edition of the steel-rim Leica Summilux-M f/1.4 in anodised black is launched today. Optically and mechanically, it is identical to the silver version, which was announced in 2022 as part of the factory's programme of re-creating classic lenses in modern format…

Leica Noctilux Titan: Titanium limited edition of the 0.95 Nocti

Leica has announced the Noctilux “Titan”, a special edition of the Leica Noctilux-M 50 f/0.95 ASPH. It will be...