
Cut & Paste creeps in from the Dark Ages

Last month's preview of iPhone 3.0 software, which is due for release in June, brings a number of very...
Since I use three different Macs regularly the importance of having up-to-date data files is more than ever important. If...
Despite my love of the latest gadgets, I do have a soft spot for old mechanical contraptions such as...
When I first switched to Mac in 2005 I was still struggling with my Windows Mobile Treo and I soon...
Since I started this blog I've been meaning to review MoneyDance, my chosen accounts package. The name is a bit...
My grandfather, Harry MacOldie, was a great blogger. He wouldn't have recognised the term of course, but he couldn't resist...
I may be an ancient Macfanboy but I'm not backward in adopting new technology. Not for me the ancient G4...
Incredibly, I have realised that it is exactly four years since I was converted from PC to Mac. I wasn't...
Laptops, even the MacBook Air, get hot. Resting one on the knees can be an unpleasant experience and, of course,...
Earlier this week I visited my bank to discuss pensions, as one does at my time of life. My pensions...
Not so long ago it was a talking point to own a a 64MB USB memory stick. Now 64GB sticks...
I see that we have no fewer than 20 Apple Stores in the UK, including the brand-new offering in the...