TTArtisan, 7Artisans, Laowa, Thypoch , Light Lens Lab, Polar, Mr. Ding, Funleader are some of the many new M-Mount lens manufacturers from China. Part 24 of our series, the M Files, gives a unique overview of the market.
Judging by the rapid-fire arrival of M-mount lenses, you'd think Leica's cameras were the best-sellers. But no, the secret of the success of the M system lies in simplicity, mechanical excellence and the resulting longevity.
Tom had the opportunity to spend a month with a prototype version of the new Leica M10 Monochrom. His photo comparisons with the M10-P are suppliemented by two photo series completeed in his work as a professional photographer.
Thinking of buying the ÂŁ10,250 Leica 75mm Noctilux. Just for a moment, perhaps? But what about ÂŁ450 for this 7Artisans look-similar. Is it worth a punt?