Tag: Contax

Contax G System: The other rangefinder camera

It was a shot-lived rangefinder option – maybe because it was too modern. The Contax G System consisted of two cameras and seven lenses. This article gives an overview of history and product range.

The M Files Jubilee: Creating the largest knowledge base for M-Mount photographic gear

The M Files jubilee marks 20 episodes of a unique Macfilos series. It covers third-party lenses, cameras and accessories with Leica M-Mount. Read here why these articles could be useful for you

The M Files (15): Contax Planar lenses by Zeiss, converted for M Mount

This review covers two Carl Zeiss Contax Planar lenses that were originally made for other camera systems but converted for Leica M Mount: The Planar 50/1.4 by Skyllaney and the Planar 45/2 by Funleader.

Mystery Bay Area society photos surface after 85 years: Film stars, automobiles and the Golden Gate Bridge

A $10 box containing over 100 developed films from the 1930s led Bill Schmidt on a quest to identify the many subjects...

Europe 1945: A family mystery solved

Mystery photographs from the end of World War II. This is one mystery that was solved by careful sleuthing...