Tag: Sony

Does the camera pick the photographer?

Imagine if we lived in a world where the boot was on the other foot, where the camera chose the photographer. Which camera do you think would choose you?

The trickle becomes a flood — it’s raining new M-lenses from China

We are enjoying a wave of new camera and lens options from two powerhouse manufacturing nations: Japan and China. From reimagined vintage lenses, to innovative camera bodies, it's a great time to be in the M- and L-Mount ecosystems.

North Coast 500: A photographic road trip around Scotland

The author uses both his Sony camera and his drone to capture stunning images on a photographic road trip through The Highlands.

Vintage digital cameras are back. But some new models have become unobtainable

In this week's news round up, we hear about the fascination with compact digital cameras from yesteryear, as well as the hurdles to getting your hands on the latest and greatest kit

APS-C cameras: The world keeps on turning after the death of the Leica CL

Leica has left the APS-C camera market with the discontinuation of the CL. But the assumption that a sensor size between Micro Four Thirds and full-frame has not future proved wrong.

New kid on the block: The Pixii rangefinder camera review gives you the full story

The Pixxi rangefinder camera (new 2023 model, A2572) comes with a top rated 26 MP APS-C sensor, minimalist design and interesting new functions. But how is it in practical use? Read here the full review.

Gazing at other worlds: The photographic opportunities closer to home

Surreal images of other worlds are all around you, but you just need to stay in the observing zone instead of being distracted by the phone or the cares of the world. Brian Nicol takes a flight of fancy during the Great Lockdown time...

Lines: What I learned to help take better photos—Part Three

Erwin Hartenberg looks at the ways in which lines are important in photographic composition...

Tekkiepix connects 100 years of technology industry photography

A new web site conceived by journalist and broadcaster Barry Fox has been launched to bring together more than...

Valgaudemar: A brief summer affair with the Sony A7 and Zeiss 35mm f/2.8

The "French Himalayan valley", Valgaudemar, is a delight and far from the madding crowd. Jean takes his Sony A7 on a tour.

Locks Ajar: A trip to two favourite spots with old Hektor in tow

The locks are off and the prison door is slightly ajar. Time for a first trip in the Jaguar I-Page to two favourite locations and with a strange lens in the bag...

Leica Q at Five: The camera they got right

Five years on, Mike takes a look at the impact made by the Leica Q in 2015 and explains why this has been Leica's most successful digital camera to date.