It’s been an exceptionally busy few months down at Macfilos Global HQ. The team has reviewed three brand-new Leica and Leica-adjacent cameras of enormous interest to Macfilos readers. They have also covered a plethora of lenses and camera-related gear relevant to the M-Mount and L-Mount ecosystems. Not surprisingly, this quarter’s line-up of most-read articles reflects this review-intensive program.
It never rains, but it pours, as the saying goes. Certainly, the review team at Macfilos feel they have been hit by a summer deluge of exciting camera launches. But, they have more than managed to keep their heads above water. In particular, editor Mike Evans has done sterling work borrowing, buying, testing, and reviewing these gleaming new temptations.
As a result, he has romped away with our newly created trophy: The Most, Most-Read Articles of the Quarter Award. He dominated the field, producing six out of the top-ten most-read articles. And as you will soon see, these were not the bottom-six articles in the ranking. His padawans have much to learn from this Jedi-master of the camera review.
A thing or two about reviewing cameras, he knows…
The editorial team members have been hit by a summer deluge of new cameras. They’ve borrowed, bought, tested and reviewed all the new creations.
The underlying message, which we have received consistently, is that Macfilos readers highly value gear reviews. In particular, they love reviews of new cameras. It is heartening that despite the prevalence of camera reviews across the ‘photography-influencer’ world, readers seek the Macfilos perspective.
Despite Captain Evans’s dominance this quarter, four other authors managed to shoe-horn their way onto the top ten list. Our thanks to them, and all the other authors who contributed superb articles last quarter. Think of yourselves as outstanding tennis players who happened to be playing in an era when Roger Federer was around. It’s tough to compete with a once-in-a-generation talent, like Editor Evans. And, in case you are wondering, the Q3 43 and M11-D came a little too late to feature in this quarter’s figures.
So, let’s dive in and take a look at the articles that you, the readers, voted for via your page views. In reverse order, of course.
10. Light Lens Lab’s New/Old 28mm
Ed Schwartzreich has become our de facto reviewer of Light Lens Lab’s recreated versions of classic Leica lenses. Many of the originals have become unobtainable through rarity or astronomical cost. The Light Lens Lab recreations are painstakingly designed to resemble the original optics as closely as possible. Ed gives us both his assessment of this new/old classic, and insights directly from its creator.
Light Lens Lab’s New/Old 28mm f/2.8
Ed Schwartzreich, September 18th 2024
9. Leica SL3 Reprise
Mike has been in two minds about ownership of Leica’s SL-series cameras. On the one hand, they are large and heavy. On the other hand, they are ergonomic and possess a user-friendly menu system. After first-hand experience using the latest iteration of the camera, the SL3, Mike has been won over. In the article, he describes the features that have made him a convert.
Leica SL3 Reprise: How I changed my mind about the range-topping SL system
Mike Evans, September 20th 2024
8. Leica M11-D Review
Leica’s latest effort to build a digital M-series camera, which recreates the experience of a film camera, is a triumph. This is according to one of Macfilos’s most experienced and prolific Leica camera reviewers. Jono shares his perspective after months of experience with this latest screenless Leica M-camera. Spoiler alert: he’s a big fan.
Leica M11-D Long-term Review: Screenless M is a winner
Jonathan Slack, September 13th 2024
7. Fuji X100VI Arrives
It’s not a Leica, but it’s Leica-like. And it merits two spots in this list of most-read articles. Many people consider it Leica-adjacent: appealing to photographers who love the tactile controls of classic Leica cameras. Mike describes a period of delayed gratification, busying himself with other matters, before diving into the X100VI. Eventually, he can resist no longer, and starts taking photos with this highly sought-after piece of kit. And guess what? He likes it!
Fujifilm X100VI Arrives: Itch that hasn’t been scratched for three weeks
Mike Evans, September 11th 2024
6. New kid on the block
Feeling a sense of (déjà vu)2? Jörg-Peter’s review of this modern-day rangefinder has featured in every top-ten list since its publication eighteen months ago. His article is a true perennial favourite, and perhaps the definitive review of this intriguing camera. He gives us his unbiased assessment of a non-Leica digital M-mount camera designed from scratch. If you are thinking of investing in a Pixii, you might want to have a look.
New Kid on the Block: The Pixii rangefinder camera review gives you the full story
Jörg-Peter Rau, April 17th 2023
5. Leica in 2024 and 2025
Mike’s earlier crystal ball article (November 2022) was one of our most successful opinion pieces of the past two years. It spurred links from many other publications. No surprise then that the latest version, from our very own photographic Nostradamus, has been a hit. Mike’s uncanny ability to predict Leica’s future releases must have the Wetzlar team marvelling. His latest triumph was predicting the likely format of the recently released D-Lux 8 model. Spooky!
Leica in 2024 and 2025: What’s next from Wetzlar?
Mike Evans, February 5th 2024
4. Fujifilm X100VI Review
Based upon his hands-on experience with this latest iteration of the Fujifilm X100 series, Mike gives us this comprehensive review. He systematically evaluates its ergonomics, menu system, and optical performance. His conclusion? All things considered, it’s probably the best fixed-focal length compact out there.
Fujifilm X100VI: Is it the best fixed-lens compact on the market?
Mike Evans, August 2nd 2024
3. Classic Digital Cameras
Wayne’s article clearly hit the spot for many readers. He explored the subject of ‘classic digital cameras’, wondering whether the term itself is an oxymoron. Drawing upon his own journey, from the earliest digital camera he owned, he invites readers to poke around at the back of their cupboards searching for treasure. Judging by the comments, it seems there are countless goodies still out there, in perfectly good working condition.
Classic Digital Cameras: Is the revival just a passing phase?
Wayne Gerlach, August 12th, 2024
2. Leica D-Lux 8 Review
Mike gives us another tour de force review of the latest camera in the D-Lux series. As a previous owner of just about every version of the D-Lux, he is well-placed to discuss this one. While he is enthusiastic about many of the changes Leica has made, he has reservations about some of their form versus function choices. It is clear from the response to his article that many people share his opinion.
Leica D-Lux 8 Review: Redesigned compact becomes a full member of the Leica family
Mike Evans, August 16th 2024
1. Leica D-Lux 8 loses popular features
Mike grabs the top two spots in this quarter’s top ten most-read article list! And both articles are about the same camera! How does he do it? In this one, he wades fearlessly into controversial territory. He offers a merciless critique of several features he prizes, which have been sacrificed in this new model. If there was ever any doubt, he demonstrated clearly that he is no Leica fanboy. Although it’s a company we all admire, they sometimes make decisions that infuriate their customer base.
Leica D-Lux 8 loses popular features in quest for the essential
Mike Evans, July 15th 2024
We hope you enjoy revisiting some of these articles, especially in the site’s new format. Thanks, once again, to all our contributors — be they authors or commenters. You make the Macfilos community a very pleasant place to spend some time each day.
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