Search results for: John shingleton

John Shingleton gets accolade in Australian/NZ Monochrome Awards competition

Congratulations to Macfilos's Australian contributor, John Shingleton for his success in the Australian/NZ Monochrome Awards Competition

John Shingleton rides out the New South Wales storm of the century

My friend John Shingleton of The Rolling Road blog has just endured a nightmare experience in the...

Occupational therapy on the farm gets John back on the road

After a stressful and emotionally draining nine months, Macfilos author John Shingleton is back on the road to recovery in New South Wales...

Val Shingleton: A time of great sadness

Macfilos author John Shingleton has lost his wife of 51 years, Val, after a long battle against cancer.

Macfilos author Phoebe Shingleton dies

Macfilos has lost one of its most enthusiastic and diligent contributing authors. Fare well, good and faithful Phoebe...

King John says slow, Dr Seuss says go

Visiting Runnymede and the Magna Carta? Why not take a little detour and discover the delights of sunny Egham in the county of Surrey?

John Boy and Man: First cameras and a return to the old Crystal Palace circuit

John was rummaging and uncovered a picture of himself as a teenager with his first camera. It set his memory banks whirring and we ended up at the old Crystal Palace motor racing circuit in South London......

Shingleton pulls into the pits for a full service

Our man in Australia has been laid low with a nasty bacterial infection. He is in hospital in Sydney and all Macfilos readers wish him a full and speedy recovery.

Shingleton’s Chiens de Paris: A doggie treat for Leica X1 fans

Our Australian contributor, John Shingleton, has dusted off some Parisien doggie delights for our eyes. Dogs are as...

Rant, Rant: Shingleton’s love of Microsoft, Apple and Google laid bare

Now I have no time for Microsoft. My wife needed a new computer two years ago and as she only uses it for mail and the internet we could not justify the cost of an Apple laptop. The very keenly priced Samsung laptop came with the then new operating system, Windows 8. What a total disaster: An operating system designed for mobile devices but running in the main on PCs and laptops. What were they thinking?

Apple Watch: Hold the Kool Aid says Shingleton

From your article this morning it seems as if you may have slowed down on the consumption of the Apple Kool Aid.

AI tools in Lightroom and Photoshop: A shipwreck on the rocks of New South Wales

Artificial Intelligence is never out of the news these days. Some even believe it will be the cause of Armageddon. John Shingleton drinks the Kool-Aid during a brief play with new AI tools incorporated in LightRoom Classic and PhotoShop...