John was rummaging and uncovered a picture of himself as a teenager with his first camera. It set his memory banks whirring and we ended up at the old Crystal Palace motor racing circuit in South London......
Our man in Australia has been laid low with a nasty bacterial infection. He is in hospital in Sydney and all Macfilos readers wish him a full and speedy recovery.
Now I have no time for Microsoft. My wife needed a new computer two years ago and as she only uses it for mail and the internet we could not justify the cost of an Apple laptop. The very keenly priced Samsung laptop came with the then new operating system, Windows 8. What a total disaster: An operating system designed for mobile devices but running in the main on PCs and laptops. What were they thinking?
From your article this morning it seems as if you may have slowed down on the consumption of the Apple Kool Aid.
Mike Evans, Editor (UK)
Jörg-Peter Rau (EU)
Keith James (US)
Jon Cheffings (US)
27 Old Gloucester Street
London WC1N 3AX.
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