Search results for: Leica Digilux 2

Leica Digilux 2 comes out of winter hibernation

The Digilux 2 is one of Leica's earliest digital cameras and still manages to captivate photographers after 14 years. John is a firm Digilux 2 user and has just taken his camera out of winter hibernation.

Leica Digilux 2: Blast from the past, still blasting

Ten years after its introduction, the Leica Digilux 2 still has a cult following. Does this give the lie to the concept of digital rot?

Blast from the past: Leica Digilux 2

For some time I've been on the lookout for an old Leica Digilux 2, a ten-year-old...

Leica’s Classic Digitals: From the Digilux 2 to the Q

Is there such a thing as a classic digital camera? Mike thinks there is and believes that Leica has three classic digital contenders...

Getting the best deal when buying and selling Leica equipment

Ever wondered how much your interest in photography costs you? Good bookkeeping and prudent management of your gear can keep those costs low.

Lining up the Dot: The British creation that changed the face of Leica lenses

In this week's Macfilos news round, we look at British invention led to Leica's red dot lens alignment. And more....

Leica X Vario ten years on: The runt that became a star

The Leica X Vario was introduced in 2013 and received a lukewarm reaction. By early 2014, many photographers were having second thoughts. This is what Macfilos had to say in January 2014...

Leica X1 bites the dust after 13 glorious years

One of the world's most enthusiastic fans of the 2009 Leica X1 has finally admitted defeat. A long-running and very annoying defect has rendered his trusty old X1 useless. RIP Leica X1...

The rise and rise of the Leica M9

The Leica M9 occupies a unique place among digital rangefinders. The first full-frame M, with a CCD sensor, has achieved something of cult status and is in great demand, whether in colour or monochrome versions...

People, Leica and me

What is it about taking photographs of people? Kathy considers whether or not it's an invasive thing to do...

Leica D-Lux: The perfect companion for exploring Japan

Rediscovering Japan, meeting family through the lens of the handy Leica D-Lux type 109...

5 classic Leica digitals to buy and keep

Digital cameras can be classics and you need look no further than Leica for five cameras made during the past ten years that will stand the test of time. Here is Mike's pick of the bunch...