Tag: Kodak

OM System Old and New: Through Italy with an Olympus OM-4 and an OM-5

OM System is today the maker of the OM-5 DSLM camera. But the OM System was also the platform of the Olympus analogue SLR cameras. We tried the recent OM-5 and the vintage OM-4 Ti side by side during a trip to Italy.

Oppenheimer Analogue: Why #filmisnotdead in movie production

A full movie shot on silver halide film in the year of 2023? Quite right. And Christopher Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not the only production that relies on analogue technology.

The M Files (19): Voigtländer Bessa R3M with Voigtländer Heliar 40/2.8 

The Voigtländer Bessa R3M is an exceptional analogue rangefinder camera with a 100% viewfinder. Here, it is reviewed with the Voigtländer Heliar 40/2.8 — the shortest focal length this camera supports.

The curious case of the disposable Tri-X camera

A roll of pro Tri-X B&W film and a disposable plastic body to put it in. For under £20, it's probably worth a punt. Read the full review here...

Oops, I did it again. But is it really a good idea to develop your films at home?

Film is enjoying a renaissance, especially among younger photographers. But do you process your own films? Have you entered the mysterious world of the darkroom? Jörg-Peter brings us up to date on home developing techniques...

Quo vadis, good and faithful slide film?

The real slide show is fast disappearing. Slide film and the once-mighty supporting paraphernalia, is slipping from us. All that will be left, soon, is the digital nomenclature of Powerpoint and slide show...

The M Files: Not quite Leica M… But really interesting

The hype seems never-ending: used Leica M film cameras continue to post new price records on the second-hand market....

Kodak: The end of an American Moment

Mike Evans and Don Morley reflect on one of the titans of the photographic world, the great Kodak company...

Finding of Mallory’s body. But where is the Kodak VP camera?

Will George Mallory's Kodak Vest Pocket camera, lost on Everest in 1924, ever be found?

Cameras at Everest, a century apart

A Kodak Vest-Pocket camera was lost on Everest 95 years ago. If it is ever found it could prove that the mountain was conquered some 30 years earlier than the history books say.

Kodak and Polaroid: How have the mighty fallen

At IFA in Berlin Vlad Savov found some rather uninspiring Windows laptops with a sparse spec bearing the brand name of Polaroid. It’s evidence of a depressing trend for a once mighty brand name…

New Arrival, Old Camera: The Leica IIIf

It’s all William Fagan’s fault. A chance mention of the “stepper” Leica IIIc on Macfilos and Claus put one foot on the slippery slope. He just had to have a screw-mount Leica to call his own. Read on at your peril….