Owners of Leica's M9-series cameras with sensor corrosion can now upgrade to the latest Leica M11 cameras… but they will have to write off their beloved CCD sensor body.
The Leica Galerie at Konstanz, Germany, is showing images by Italian-born photographer Paolo Burlando from January 27 to April 8, 2023. The passionate Leica M user captures mainly urban scenes all over the world.
The Leica M9 occupies a unique place among digital rangefinders. The first full-frame M, with a CCD sensor, has achieved something of cult status and is in great demand, whether in colour or monochrome versions...
As we wait for the fifth version of the digital Leica M, the M11, Mike reflects on the past 16 years of models and seemingly increasing interval between major upgrades...
For many years Leica photographer John Brockliss yearned to explore the role of pilgrimage in the modern world. Finally after many months of planning he travelled to northern Spain in October 2019, camera in hand and backpack laden, ready to make his dream a reality.
A business trip in the middle of winter, stopovers in Washington, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, and the winter kit of Leica M9s and a TT Artisans 35mm f/1.4
Huge prime lenses for professional mirrorless cameras are here to stay. The weight and size advantage of early mirrorless designs have been squandered. Only the Leica M system keeps the compact flag flying.