Tag: Switzerland

Swiss Roll: There’s life in the old Kuchen yet

The intriguing story of the Swiss Roll, the long-lost Leica negatives brought back to life after 74 years, continues to mystify. Here is an update on an unsolved mystery...

Crisis and creativity: Photography in the times of Covid-19

As we approach the sad second anniversary of the Covid-19 pandemic, we realise how much everything has changed. Many of us have had to face personal tragedies and professional disruptions. In this context, it seems somewhat far-fetched to discuss the question of how photography and pandemic affected each other. But I want to make a point that it is not irrelevant at all...

Switzerland: An autumn trek to the summit of Mount Rigi

Following the footsteps of Mark Twain on Mount Rigi in Switzerland...

To You I Follow: An unknown British couple’s journey through Switzerland in 1935

A chance purchase of an old photograph album led David Killeen on a quest to replicate the travels of an unknown British couple through Switzerland in the mid-1930s.

Swiss Roll: These 70-year-old snaps now have a worldwide audience. The hunt is on

William's photographs developed after 70 years have created worldwide interest. Who are these people who seemed to have enjoyed such a blissful holiday in Switzerland and Italy in the early 1950s? Why did they take such good pictures and then not develop the film? The mystery grows and it has been covered in media throughout the world...

Macfilos is just a hobby? Not this week, thanks to the Swiss Roll

Mystery photographs from 70 years ago: Left in a camera, undeveloped. Thanks to the BBC and an army of volunteers throughout Europe, we are homing in on the identity of the Munich couple and their dog...

Living like a vampire: Landscape and the Leica Q2 Monochrom

Monochrome photography for landscapes and mountaineering: The choice between Leica SL2 conversions, the M Monochrom and the new Leica Q2 Monochrom

Swiss Roll: Hidden for 70 years, these photographs were recovered from an ancient Leica film cassette

I roll of 35mm film exposed two generations ago in Switzerland and Italy. It has remained undeveloped through the decades and now provides a unique and poignant record or a vacation by an unknown family. We would like to get in touch and returned their unseen holiday snaps...

Macfilos is twelve today: Five million words on photography and technology

Macfilos is twelve today: Over 5,000 articles and five million words.

Leica 135mm f/4 Elmar: Bargain telephoto for the M

One of the big advantages of adopting the M system, or using M adaptors on mirrorless cameras, is the incredible range of available lenses at almost any price point. The early 1960s 135mm f/4 Elmar is an effective telephoto choice at a bargain price...

Ten years ago on Macfilos: All done and dusted in Switzerland

While we're self-isolating in our homes across the globe, spare a thought for a less dangerouse but exceptionally distruptive event that happened exactly ten years ago: The Great Icelandic Dust Cloud. Mike found his travel plans shattered...

Konstanz: A bustling city is dying out

The Covid-19 emergency is changing lives throughout Europe and the world. Macfilos contributor Jörg-Peter Rau takes a look at the city of Constance in Germany, right on the border with neighbouring Switzerland.