Tag: Wordpress

Macfilos images, galleries, and slideshow functions

Gallery image slideshows on Macfilos have now been repaired. See our update…

More on the new Macfilos: Layout, snags, the new Comments page and more

The new site format has had quite an impact on our readers. Mike responds to some of the feedback received, and outlines changes already made in response.

New Macfilos: Modern image, more involving, more ways to explore the world of photography

Macfilos has been completely revised, with a much more involving front page and easier-to-read articles...

Macfilos Readers: Which countries are in the top ten?

Macfilos has an international readership, with almost every country in the world represented on the table. Unsurprisingly, it's the...

Summer break at Macfilos as site moves to new server

The site is moving to a new hosting option and we're taking a two-week break to avoid potential problems. Macfilos will be back later in August with a new look...

It’s now easier to join Macfilos discussions

Quite often, the comments section of an article is more itneresting than the article itself. Discussions are vital to the health of any blog and here at Macfilos we've just made commenting much easier.

Macfilos: Tip on viewing images

There's a quick way to enlarge and scroll through images in a Macfilos photo feature...

Macfilos website teething problems

We've had our teething troubles since transferring the site from Squarespace to WordPress. But gradually the issues are being addressed. Here's an update on progress.

We’re back with a redesigned Macfilos blog

Macfilos is back after a complete makeover. Check out the new design and explore over ten years' of posts and some 7,500 individual images