Home Brands Leica Leica T: Getting in the mood for July 4

Leica T: Getting in the mood for July 4


The Leica T which I borrowed from Leica Mayfair has been on assignment to Washington DC where it did the touristy thing. During a four-mile hike from Georgetown, past the infamous Watergate building, through to the Mall, I snapped a few typical tourist shots just to see how the camera performs as a walk-around snapper. The Washington Momument, shown above in monochrome, had newly emerged from its scaffolding following earthquake damage in 2011 and it is as impressive as a remembered it. All these pictures were taken with the 18-56mm Vario-Elmar-T lens.

  A Dutch visitor to the Lincoln Memorial is taking his touristy task seriously
A Dutch visitor to the Lincoln Memorial is taking his touristy task seriously
  Yet another photo opportunity....
Yet another photo opportunity….
  Oopla on a Segway. Next time I visit DC I am determined to go on one of these two-hour tours by Segway. Not sure if I
Oopla on a Segway. Next time I visit DC I am determined to go on one of these two-hour tours by Segway. Not sure if I’m up for the Tai Chi, though

  One of the impressive Italianate sculptures at the eastern entrance to the Arlington Memorial Bridge
One of the impressive Italianate sculptures at the eastern entrance to the Arlington Memorial Bridge