If you are wondering what has happened to our flow of articles, here’s the answer. We’re taking a short summer break. We announced it beneath last week’s D-Lux 8 review, but it’s obvious some readers didn’t see that. As a result, we’ve had several emails from concerned folks asking if we are all still alive. We are, but we are having a rest. Not only that, we’re using the time to sit down and write some of those articles we’ve had our eyes on but didn’t get around to producing.
There are some improvements to the website coming in the Autumn, including a brand-new newspaper-style theme that, we hope, will be more involving. Meanwhile, to start our summer break, we have updated the current Macfilos home page to reflect the varied subjects covered over the years. There is a new section showing the equipment reviews which have attracted the most readers over the past few years, a rolling update on Macfilos news from five years ago. You can also find articles listed under the headings of various manufacturers. Well worth a visit.
There is definitely more life to it, instead of the static appearance of the past. Please take a look at our current home page by clicking on this link. If you normally view individual articles via a subscription, RSS fee or by clicking the link in the newsletter, you probably never see our true shop window.
Summer break — back on September 6
We will be back with our regular service on Friday, September 6 and our editorial team looks forward to seeing you at Macfilos again.
Mike Evans — Editor
Jörg-Peter Rau — Associate Editor, Germany
Keith James — Associate Editor, United States
Jason Murray — News Editor
A cup of coffee works wonders in supporting Macfilos
Did you know that Macfilos is run by a dedicated team of volunteers? We rely on donations to help pay our running costs. And even the cost of a cup of coffee will do wonders for our energy levels.
Well earned, indeed! But please don’t forget to return with more wonderful photos.
As for reviews from the past — just what I’d been hoping for. The MACFILOS archive has so many excellent pieces — I’ll enjoy having a museum guide!
Thanks, Kathy. We’ve realised for a long time that the home page was rather static and uninviting, despite the makeover a couple of years ago. I decided to teach myself how to manage the backend and soon discovered lots of options that have been there all the time but have been unused. The “most commented” reviews slider is a good example and it is bringing in many more page views. However, the current theme is rather restricted in what we can do, and the layout and appearance isn’t the best. So we have asked the theme authors to transfer to us to their latest newspaper pre-prepared layout and this should be ready by the end of September. I hope it will make another change for the better and make it even easier to unlock the archive in an attractive and easy-to-assimilate fashion. Thanks for your continued support and encouragement. Mike
You all deserve a break but I will miss you. I suppose I will have to go out and get some shutter therapy.
Well, some shots with the OM-1 would be good… then you can write another of your articles. It’s been a long time. Thanks for the good wishes.
Go to Greece and enjoy!
Thanks, John. How did you guess? That’s supposed to be a secret.