It’s that most wonderful time of the year: Season’s Greetings from the Macfilos team

It's a great time to lust after some new camera gear…

The members of the Macfilos team — Jörg-Peter Rau, Jon Cheffings, Keith James, Richard Watts and I — join in wishing you all Season’s Greetings wherever you may be. We offer our heartfelt thanks for your support of Macfilos in 2024, and a special thanks to those who have made a donation to our running costs. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or, if you prefer, Happy Winter Solstice.

Now and again, painting can make a nice change from taking photos

2024 has been a busy year for Leica and Macfilos

Leica has been busy in 2024 with new camera launches. The SL3 appeared in March. Then, the D-Lux 8 appeared in July. The M11-D in September. And the Q3 43 also in September. We will publish a comprehensive review of the year very soon.  

We believe there will be many exciting developments to come in 2025 that we can look forward to, including the 100th anniversary of the Leica I

But before turning the page on another year, we would like to offer our sincere appreciation to all our readers and contributors for your involvement with Macfilos in 2024. Without all of you, there would simply be no Macfilos. Thank you.

Macfilos runs thanks to the financial support from readers like you, who contribute to the running costs of the site.  Running a website like Macfilos is not for the faint-hearted or for those who don’t like complexity.  A special thanks to everyone who contributed in 2024. We greatly appreciate your support. 

Happy Holidays from us all.


  1. Dear Mac Filos People,

    I love Your Club. The World-News are terrible and I can do nothing.
    Visiting Your Website or the Site of the glorious Dr. Sassenberg allows me to escape for some time in a “heile Welt”.
    So the beautiful Leicasites have an antidepressive psychological function for me.
    Thank You so much!
    Prof. Dr. Günther Rötter

    • Hello Dr Rötter, many thanks for your kind words and for your continuing support of Macfilos. We make a special point of staying clear of politics and world troubles, so you can look forward to a year of solid Leica news and views!



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