Dave Seargeant

The Dungeness Portfolio — one man’s way out of lockdown

As Dave recovers slowly from a life-changing encounter with Covid-19, the coast of Kent at Dungeness provides a constant tonic, both for health and photography...

A trek over London’s massive O2 Arena with just an iPhone for company

In this article Dave challenges himself to climb to the top of the Millennium Dome with nothing more than his iPhone 11 for company

Pounding the mean streets of Medway

Virus stops play at the many street festivals of the Medway towns in 2020. Regular photographer visitors are reduced to scouring their archives for something new....

Yorkshire’s Jurassic Coast: Favourite stretch of magnificent scenery

Everyone needs a favourite bit of the world. And for Dave, the North Yorkshire Jurassic coast hits all the buttons. Here he takes a scenic view with the Nikon Df and the Leica X.

Photographers’ playground at Whitby steampunk festival

Never a dull moment in Whitby. From Dracula and Goths to steam punk, there's lots to exercise your shutter at this North Yorkshire seaside resort

Upper Teesdale through the lens of the Leica X (Typ 113)

The Leica X (Typ 113) sets out to capture the breathtaking scenery of the falls in Upper Teesdale, England

A tale of one camera, one lens and a wet weekend in Dickens’ Rochester

Where better to hold s Dickens Festival than the City of Rochester? But Rochester has a surfeit, no fewer than TW0 Dickens extravaganzas, one for the winter, one for the summer. See which characters you can spot on this December outing…..

The Cinder Track: Where will it take you?

Dave and Liz pay another return visit to the Cinder Track in North Yorkshire…..

Brighton Breezy with a fest of VW camper vans

Dave just happened to be in the right place with his Nikon Df when he stumbled across the impressive and very oddball Brighton Breeze campervan fest on the resort’s Marine Drive…

Nikon Df: After a year of indecision, the choice is made

Dave has been searching over a year for his perfect camera. He’s tried everything, including the impossibly expensive Leica M10. But favour has fallen on a most unusual camera, Nikon’s retro DSLR, the Df.

The Leica M Experience: A free day out in Leica’s candy store

Did you know that Leica offers a free introduction session for the M10? Dave, a dedicated X 113 user, took the train to Mayfair and spent a couple of hours in Leica's candy store to get his first hands-on with a rangefinder camera....

A night out with the Leica X, a super moon and a tripod

Dave tries another experimental night with his tripod and the faithful Leica X