Don Morley

Farewell Erwin Puts: One of the world’s foremost Leica experts dies at 77

Erwin Puts, who has died at the age of 76, was one of the world's foremost experts on Leica cameras and lenses. Don Morley pays a tribute to his friend...

Press photography with the screw-mount Leicas

Press photographer Don Morley looks back on his reliance on pre-war screw-mount Leicas for his daily bread and butter, back in the 1950s.

Munich Olympics 1972 Crisis: How I became the only photographer in the village

After a decade of dodging bullets in war zones, Don thought the 1972 Munich OIympics would be strenuous but fun. He got more than he bargained for....

The painful progress from film to digital photography

After a lifetime of professional photography, Don Morley was thrust into the digital deep end back in 2002. He survived and has found new enthusiasm.

Brooklands 1973 and the last of the Bentley Boys

Back in 1974 Don was sent to Brooklands to photograph the famous designer Barnes Wallis. It led to an invitation to an exclusive reunion of pre-war car racing drivers on the circuit the same weekend.....

The day a vintage Bentley ate my favourite Leica

Contrary to popular modern belief, Leica cameras were plentiful back in the 1950s when I first started. Indeed the camera shops had windows full of them BUT they were all pre-war or the spoils of war. As this was a time when Britain had to export or die, the last thing our government wanted anyone to do was import foreign goods, and especially not from any country which until very recently had been a bitter enemy.
