For connoisseurs of camera straps (in general, those who don’t fit the strap that comes in the camera box), the choice is now huge. But the fundamental decision remains — does today’s outing demand a full neck strap, or is it a wrist-strap day? The dilemma could now be over thanks to the Bowman Duo and the ingenuity of a British manufacturer…
Peak Design's partner program allows the innovative Anchor Mount connectors to be used by third-party leather camera strap manufacturers, including by this German company…
When it comes to camera straps and wrist straps, the author has been there and done that. But a bit of technology in the form of the Peak Design Anchor system is in danger of overcoming all resistance…
A surprising change to the Panasonic Lumix S5 Mark II version is the swapping of strap lugs for slots. Mike couldn't find a suitable strap, so consulted the expert...
The leather-link Rock n Roll strap is a great companion for any camera. It is springy and comfortable to wear around the neck or over the shoulder. Now comes a narrower, less bulky version which is ideal for the Leica M and other compact cameras.
The latest Rock & Roll camera straps combine the strength and veratility of climbing rope with a fine nappa leather sheath complement any Leica camera.