In the fourth article of his series on street photography, Keith has a close look at a mathematical strategy for creating balanced compositions. What does a formula described by a 13th century Italian mathematician have to do with taking pictures?
Can a computational algorithm convert an image created at f/11 to one that convincingly resembles a photo shot at f/2? Keith has a close look at the new Lightroom Lens Blur feature
AI denoising is a new feature in Adobe Lightroom that removes noise in images using machine learning technology. The article discusses this new capability and shows examples of images before and after it has been applied.
Artificial Intelligence is never out of the news these days. Some even believe it will be the cause of Armageddon. John Shingleton drinks the Kool-Aid during a brief play with new AI tools incorporated in LightRoom Classic and PhotoShop...
Eggs Benedict is a popular item on brunch menus. But, why stick with the traditional version when there are so many interesting, delicious and photogenic versions to explore? Let's indulge in some tasty food photography.
Lightroom's new super-resolution Enhance option really does do what it says on the tin. It crept in with little fanfare but is capable of truly amazing results, says John Shingleton...
After decades with Adobe's Lightroom, John takes a free ride with Capture One. Is he ready to give up the familiar turf and move over to the Danish model?
Photographic libraries are often a dish best served cold. Go back over rejected shots after a few years and you could discover a few gold nuggets. This is what John did and it a paid dividend.
If you are still relying on Apple Aperture for your photographic library be afraid, be very afraid. It will stop working if you upgrade to MacOs Catalina so you need to find an alternative application as soon as possible.