Tag: Pixii

It’s a fact of life, there’s always a new camera or lens option to tempt you

A new camera is always a thrill. This week's Macfilos Newsround looks at a few new arrivals in summer 2024. And at some lenses, too.

Ten Most-Read Articles of the Quarter: The old, the new, and the non-existent

This quarter's look back takes us into the realm of speculation and wishful thinking, as well as highlighting some incredible photography. Leica dominates the lineup, but we have a couple of entries from a new player on the scene.

That Was The Year That Was: A review of 2023 at Macfilos

As we head into 2024, it's a good opportunity to reflect on the year that's just ended. Here’s a canter through some of the highlights from the perspective of the gang at Macfilos

Pixii Plus with improved rangefinder to aid focus with fast lenses

The latest Pixii rangefiner incorpates a redesigned rangefinder to assist with focusing ultra-fast lenses, and a range of upates that demonstrate the company's commitment to development.

New kid on the block: The Pixii rangefinder camera review gives you the full story

The Pixxi rangefinder camera (new 2023 model, A2572) comes with a top rated 26 MP APS-C sensor, minimalist design and interesting new functions. But how is it in practical use? Read here the full review.

Pixii Rangefinder Camera: Review progress and a meeting with the boss

After four weeks and more than 600 images, Macfilos author Jörg-Peter will tell the readers (almost) all about the Pixii rangefinder camera. So stay tuned for his review.

The new Pixii rangefinder camera with APS-C sensor is now released

The French start-up has just released Version three of its Pixii rangefinder camera. Macfilos is looking forward to reviewing this interesting contribution to the rangefinder world.

New Pixii: Sensor ranked top in APS-C world and 28th overall

Tests of the sensor in the new 26MP Pixii rangefinder rank it top of all APS-C sensors on the market. It even beats the sensor of Leica's M10 by a small margin...