Tag: Street Photography

Leica Q3 43: Narrower field of view is a boon for some street photographers

Leica's Q3 43 offers a new tool for street photographers. The narrower 43mm optic is a welcome change for those of us who like the Q-series but prefer a little more distance from the subject…

Street Photography: Diptychs — three for the price of two

Historically, a diptych was a hinged, two-panel artwork. In modern usage, it can be a related pair of paintings or, even more relevant to us, street photographs.

Street Photography: Two for the price of one

Capturing images of people going about their daily lives is the bread and butter of street photography. The author argues that photographs of two people are much more informative than shots of individuals.

Street Photography: An excursion into P.U.L.P. Fiction (Parody Using Leica Photos)

Ever wondered whether your neighbour is an alien invader in human form? This secret organization uses street photography to discover the grim truth. Read all about it!

Street Photography: Crowds and Cosplay at Comic-con 2024

Comic-con is the world's largest multi-genre entertainment convention, attended by hundreds of thousands of people. But for me, it's all about photographing cosplayers cruising around the nearby streets.

Fujifilm X100VI Review: Is this the best fixed-lens compact on the market?

The Fuji X100VI belongs to a select band of fixed, wide-angle-lens cameras that has taken the photographic world by storm. All have achieved cult status, all are on backorder or in very short supply, and none of them is discounted as a result. Photographers can't wait to get their hands on them and, in some cases, are willing to pay a hefty premium. Is the X100VI the best of the bunch?

Panasonic Announces the LUMIX S9: A new, compact, full-frame, L-Mount camera

Panasonic takes aim at social network-savvy photographers and videographers with the new Lumix S9, a compact, full-frame, L-Mount camera.

Street Photography: Leica meets Fibonacci and the golden ratio

In the fourth article of his series on street photography, Keith has a close look at a mathematical strategy for creating balanced compositions. What does a formula described by a 13th century Italian mathematician have to do with taking pictures?

Street Photography: Are you a poser or a snatcher?

In the third article of his beginner's series on street photography, Keith tackles the thorny topic of taking photos of people without asking their permission. Is it best to ask the person to take their photograph, and pose for the camera, or to snatch a candid shot discreetly while no-one is looking?

Street Photography: A seven-step plan for overcoming range anxiety

Keith shares his strategy for tackling an aversion to photographing complete strangers. It's a seven-step plan for overcoming street photography 'range anxiety'.

Lightroom Lens Blur: Useful tool or distracting gimmick?

Can a computational algorithm convert an image created at f/11 to one that convincingly resembles a photo shot at f/2? Keith has a close look at the new Lightroom Lens Blur feature

Street Photography: Diving deep into shadows Down Under

In the first of several forthcoming articles about his newfound interest in street photography, Keith makes the most of some antipodean summer sunshine. It's all about the shadows in Sydney and Auckland.