The Museum für Fotografie Berlin near Bahnhof Zoo is a top venue for photography lovers - and shows much more than the world's biggest Helmut Newton collection.
It was not until 2016 that we discovered Portugal. If you live in the Europe or the United Kingdom, Portugal is right up there with Spain as a top holiday destination. But living here on the other side of the planet, it is not high up our list of ‘must visit’ places…
Choice of front door color allows homeowners to personalize their home and express something about themselves. But, how many take full advantage of the full spectrum of colors available to them? Our photographic explorer went to find out.
Historical camera collections help us to understand how photography became such an important medium. Three museums in Germany are especially worth a visit, Deutsches Museum München, Leica Welt Wetzlar, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
Almost five years later, in 2022, the four of us reunited for a repeat trip to Mechuka. Gudi confessed that even now she gets nightmares of this near-fatal indident in 2018. Baro and Piliya hadn’t spoken about it to anyone...
Should we have scruples about taking pictures of poorer people in third-world countries? Is it touristic voyerism? John reflects on a lifetime of photographic tourism...
Over twenty years ago, Farhiz backpacked to one of his favourite cities, Paris. His photographs, shot on Kodacolor 200, introduce us to an intriguing glimpse of life in the French capital...
Today's the day: Here in England we're off the leash for the first time this year. Indoor hospitality and the reopening of hotels means that domestic travel is now back on the agenda. Mike is taking off in his new Tesla to celebrate...
You've seen the pictures, you've wonderered about the identify of the mystery couple in 1950s Switzerland and Northern Italy. Now it's time for the podcast: William Fagan talks about his discovery of these wonderful photographs and the search for the two people captured on an old Leica seventy years ago.