Leica 50mm Apo-Summicron-M ASPH: Six months on and it’s definitely the best

 Image: Stephen Cosh, M246 and 50mm Apo-Summicron
Image: Stephen Cosh, M246 and 50mm Apo-Summicron

Writing on The Leica Meet, photographer Stephen Cosh recounts how he has owned Leica’s flagship 50mm Apo-Summicron for six months. He’s sold:

I’m just going to simply state that it is the best lens I’ve ever used. Not just the best 50mm lens. Not even just the best full frame lens (I shoot S lenses too), but the best lens I’ve used period.

Read the full story here and see Stephen’s impressive comparison shots between two of Leica’s finest fifties—the Apo and the Lux.


  1. That bloke sitting with his back to the window of the "outfitters" shop looks stunning, and even though my display is pretty good (NEC)… it ain’t paper…

    I wonder how that would perform with an analogue camera, bearing in mind that one gets a new/different sensor after every thirty six shots?

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