Leica M10 and M10-D discontinued, 24-megapixel M10-P continues

Two of the 24MP cameras in the M10 range have been discontinued, according David Farkas of Leica Store Miami, writing on the Red Dot Forum. We have not yet had confirmation from Leica UK, but the move is logical following the introduction of the M10-R. Retaining the M10-P as the camera for those who prefer 24 megapixels (and a lower price) makes a lot of sense.

The M10-P, with its stealthy apperance and Leica engraving on the top plate is now the sole colour-version of the M10 series
The M10-P, with its stealthy appearance and Leica engraving on the top plate is now the sole 24MP camera in the range

We anticipated the loss of the M10-D two weeks ago in “What’s next for the digital rangefinder” article and again last Monday in our update feature. Both remaining cameras, colour and monochrome, feature the “silent” shutter mechanism which was absent on the M10 and M10-D. There is no further news on the possibility of a new 24MP camera, whether in the M range or for mirrorless Leicas.

RI-P, M10-D

I am sad to see the end of the M10-D. I own this camera and have written about the earlier M-D and its M10-based successor on many occasions. There is just something satisfying about an absolutely stripped-down M body which has the appearance of a film Leica and operates in an identical fashion.

Apparently, though, there has not been enough demand to justify this camera continuing as part of the range and, I presume, the current changes in the wake of the M10-R offer an opportunity to rationalise.

I still hold out a glimmer of hope that we could see an M10-R or M11 version of the screenless body. In any event, I believe the remaining examples of the M10-D will sell out soon and the market for used versions will remain buoyant. This camera stands out as a unique edition of the rangefinder that will become another of Leica’s “digital classics”.

There was just something so special about the M10-D from the film-like back to the quirky film-advance thumb grip. The absence of a screen was loved by many but, it seems, not by enough punters to justify its continuing in production

David Farkas also tells us that the price of the M10-P has been reduced by $1,000 to $7,795. The new M10-R retails for $8,295 in the USA while the M10 Monochrom is now the same price as the M10-R at $8,295.

Update: Leica UK has confirmed that no more M10-Ds will be produced. However, they have not mentioned the M10’s demise and, as far as we can determine, it is still listed as a current model. Nor has there been any suggestion of revised prices to further differentiate the M10-R and M10-M from 24-megapixel M10-P.

More Reading

Leica M10-P

Leica M10-D


  1. I looked again and then again for any price reductions in the EU but doesn’t seem there is any. Wonder why difference in pricing between the US and here.

    • No, there seems to be a disconnect somewhere. If I think back, there is always movement in the USA before it filters through to Europe. I think we should wait and see. All will be revealed in due course, I suppose.

    • Because they can get away with it, Mahesh.

      The pretty much dollars-for-pounds pricing concept has been going on in the business for zonks; never did strike me as fair when I lived in Britain.

      Taking this reply a little wider: it makes little practical sense wilfully denying oneself a rear screen; it may not see much use most of the time, but in those situations where it helps, and I think of difficult backlit situations such as shooting indoor subjects towards large windows, such a device is worth any amount of misplaced visual, cosmetic traditionalism which is really tantamount to going through life with one arm hooked through the back of one’s belt. Bracketing is not a sensible option when there could have existed the facility for being accurate.

      If there is one modern innovation in a stills camera that I live happily without, then that’s video!

  2. I am not sure whether I am getting all of this… The M10-R made sense to me if the M11 was still a few years away. Now that the M10 has been discontinued is the M11 still a few years away? Is the M10-R a (desperate) attempt of Leica to make up for lost covid-19 sales and still make their numbers for 2020? Also, if the sensor of the M10-R has better high ISO, better DR, better highlight recovery why didn’t the SL2 get the same sensor?

    • Well, in a way it does make sense. I think the M11 could well be a couple of years away, if not more. And the M10-R/M10-M serve the purpose of creating more mid-series interest. The M10 model with the old shutter probably doesn’t make sense, although we hope that there will be continued demand for the 24MP M10-P. I don’t think there is any connection with Covid-19. The M10-R was rumoured in the middle of last year and the M10-M came before the emergency. So we can rule that out.

      The SL and Q ranges have always had a completely different sensor to the M cameras which have a specially designed sensor to cope with the peculiarities the manual lenses, ancient and modern. The 47MP sensor of the SL2 and Q2 comes as a result of the Panasonic connection. After all, the Panasonic S1R is very similar to the SL2 if you ignore the cosmetics. I don’t think there’s much difference at all (except in price!). If I didn’t have an SL2 I would be very happy with the S1R and, frankly, I don’t think the results would be any different.

      • Yes, I recall them talking at the launch about not being able to use the 47mp sensor because it would not work with the physical limitations presented by the M lenses.

    • We have many assurances that Leica is committed to the APS-C format. It’s also interesting that Sigma has launched three APS-C lenses with the L-Mount when only Leica make L-Mount APS-C cameras. So I am quietly confident that the APS-C cameras will continue and, I suspect, at some stage we will have a CL2 (or maybe a TL3 but that isn’t so likely).


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