A new Leica SL3-S could be coming within the next six months. The SL2-S, with its previous-generation 24MP sensor and stealthy blacked-out appearance, was a big success for the German company. Now, with strong rumours that the SL2 has been discontinued, a new SL3-S is one step closer.
While this anticipated model could be little more than a regurgitated SL2, with 47 MP sensor and black LEICA banner, I do not think so. It is inconvenient to have two slightly different body styles in circulation. And we also hear that the production of SL2 models has ended for good at the Leica works. For one thing, not all accessories made for the SL2 fit the SL3, much to the annoyance of some customers, including Macfilos reader John Mamutil. In his comment on our SL3 review, John said:
„Not to be too disparaging of Leica but for me, the SL3 was a true disappointment and I sold it for a painful 25% discount. I’m still scratching my head about the microscopic reduction in the body size which prevented reusing the SL2 grip and SmallRig cage and at the same time reduced IBIS and missed the opportunity to have internal storage. The power button is confusing, and they should’ve included crop mode in video and retained the SL2 font style.“
Perfect sense
Therefore, the Leica SL3-S use the SL3 body, the improved user interface and the reworked menu system that we praised in our delve into Leica’s quest for the perfect menu system. It makes perfect sense to forget the past and embrace the SL3 which, despite John’s reservations as a long-standing SL2 owner with existing accessories, is considered a step forward by many users.
As with the SL2-S, the SL3-S will likely use the previous generation or a similar sensor, in this case the 47MP device of the SL2. It will almost certainly retain the all-black appearance of the SL2-S, with the black LEICA on the viewfinder pod. This cosmetic treatment, as seen on the SL2-S creates by far the best looking mirrorless ILC camera yet produced by Leica. It’s a disappointment that the company didn’t adopt the black look for the SL3 and reserve the white detail for the SL3-S. But we can’t have everything.
There is a lot to look forward to with an SL3-S, which will sell for less than the SL3 and will appeal primarily to those customers who feel they do not need the excess of a 60MP sensor. But more than a few will prefer the new model simply because of the styling. Of course, while the lower-definition sensor has its attractions and, those users who regularly crop-zoom from some of Leica’s amazing primes — the 35 and 50mm APO-Summicrons, for instance — will need the additional pixels of the SL3.
Leica SL3-S: The sensible choice?
I know several keen SL2 owners who “downgraded” to the SL2-S when it was announced in December 2020, about a year after the launch of the parent SL2. For a time, this became a trend, and the all-black -S became something of a “sensible” status symbol. I have no doubt that the same will happen with the SL3-S when in finally arrives. If Leica follows past convention, this camera will arrive in March 2025, a year after the arrival of the parent SL3. Many Leica fans are already anticipating the occasion.
Review of the Leica SL2-S
Jono Slack’s review of the Leica SL3
Mike Evans changes his mind on the SL3
Leica’s search for the perfect menu system
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Well 99% it will be a revised Panasonic s5iix (which is not a bad thing), which also means 24mp and PADF.
This Panasonic also has black stealth body.
i guess Leica designed it for both companies.
i do hope they will include s5iix video features such as anamorphic desqueez, missing on the SL2S.
If Leica sl3-s wishes to differ from the s5iix and justify its price, it needs to provide faster media (cfexpress) and internal 4k 10bit 422 prores.
that will be a kill.
Leica best camera these days IMO is the Q3 43.
unfortunately video specs are not good enough (we want 4k prores 422, not FHD), but I am about to buy it anyway.
I also expect there to be a lot of S5II in there. And I am now persuaded, like you, that the sensor size will be 25MP and not 47MP. The body, of course, will be that of the SL3, which is no bad thing.
Dumm question: is the Leica S 2 s sensor the sensor of the Panasonic S 5?
Not a dumb question, at all. There are certainly similarities between the sensor in the S5 and SL2-S. However, the sensor in the S5II incorporates AF improvements which are not available on the Leica. It has been suggested that the forthcoming SL3-S will use the same (or, shall we say, “similar”) sensor as the S5II. It could be that Panasonic will upgrade this sensor and the revised version will be used also in the Leica. But it’s all conjecture.
At this point I’d rather Leica stopped discontinuing models.I haven’t forgiven them for dropping the CL yet and when I spend so much money on a Leica I want it to last a good few years not be frequently replaced like other brands. The SL2s remains a fine camera as is in 2024. It doesn’t need ‘upgrading’ to an SL3s yet.
Please God, not the sensor from the SL2! It’s the same one from the Q2 and pretty abysmal at higher ISOs. That would defeat the whole point IMO.
After several comments on these lines, I give in and join you I hoping for a bit more of Panasonic’s input.
A high MP SL3-S with Phase Detect Auto Focus (PDAF) would be nice. Though, I have my doubts that this feature can be added to the 47MP SL2 sensor. Without PDAF, or the back side integrated sensor design, a 47 MP SL3-S would not equal performance of the SL2-S.
Also, since the introduction of the SL2, the pattern for L-mount camera bodies has been to let Panasonic introduce new capabilities to work out any issues, which allows Leica to introduce a fully mature product. Based on this, I don’t see Leica continuing to use the 47MP sensor in the SL3-S. If the pattern holds, the SL3-S will use the same 24MP sensor used in the Lumix S5IIX. Which gives both companies the benefit of larger scale buying.
Good points, Paul. It’s possible that Panasonic is developing another sensor that would suit.
The sensor from the SL2 would definitely be a step backwards – no more PDAF for one thing. I’ve no idea about the SL3-S, but if it comes at all I’d expect it to have a modest pixel count (like the SL2-S) but PDAF and a much faster readout time.
All the best
Do you mean the sensor from the Panasonic S5II? Just asking…
Well, I don’t know much about the S5II sensor, and of course, nothing about the SL3-S sensor 🙂
Good diplomatic answer, Jono… we wouldn’t expect otherwise!
The sensor in my SL2-S is in my opinion the best Leica sensor to date. I have hi res cameras and never print big or crop so they hardly get used. An SL3-S with an updated 24mp sensor would appeal to me.
I still reckon 99% of the 60mp camera owners only ever publish online at 2000 pixels wide. For them a 12mp camera would be overkill.
That’s the sensor from the Panasonic S5 and I agree. Good one.
Interesting…Does this also imply that there might be a Q3-S with the old 47MP Q2 sensor in the updated body and UI?
I don’t think so. There is no history of this. And with the new 43mm, they could feel that the range is becoming over complicated. I think the 43 will outsell the 28, by the way.
The Q343 is tempting…but I’m going to try my CL and TL23 f2.0 and Sigma 30mm f1.4 before throwing the credit card at it.
Hi Mike, you are so brilliant and it has nothing to do with me agreeing with you. I also think the brilliant 43 will sell like hotcakes and even more than the 28mm.
If they come out with a monochrom version that would be so amazing! Then I would definitely keep my Fuji x100 VI and buy the money monochrom.
Who knows, they may even come out with a 21mm version for the ONE person fhat would purchase that. I understand there are some people that would prefer that focal length. 😀
I used to own both the SL2 and SL2-S but sold my SL2 because the low noise abilities of the SL2 were incurable in comparison and I never needed more MP for large prints. I also preferred the image rendering of the SL2-S as well as a number of other people. Hopefully, the SL3-S just has an even better 24MP sensor with great low light performance. 24 MP is the sweet spot for me for colour. 60 MP is lovely to look at to pixel peep on the computer monitor but unless you are doing severe crops it is so unnecessary.
I am hearing that the monochrome Qs didn’t sell in sufficient quantities to be viable. But I have no concrete knowledge, and there is still a possibility that your wish might be fulfilled! But don’t hold your breath on 21mm (The Q3 Babsky). I could be wrong, but I think the 24MP sensor will be superseded by the 47MP version; otherwise they will rapidly get out of step. Especially when 100MP comes along… I also have a feeling that Panasonic will introduce 47MP to the S5III when they launch the expected 60MP S cameras (similar to Leica SL3). Just speculation, you understand.
Hey, you guessed who I was thinking about on the 21mm. And I thought I was being subtle.
If the Q2 mono did not do well perhaps I will find one at clearance prices. Yahoo!
Reusing the 47MP sensor is an interesting thought. Though if we look at other companies are doing, with the exception of Sony, and now Leica, most are staying at a 45MP maximum sensor size. At the next size down,24 MP is the most popular, but Sony and Canon have cameras with 33 MP sensors.
Which leads me to think the next intermediate sensor will be 33MP in the SL4-S. 😉
“..I understand there are some people that would prefer that focal length..”
On a fixed focal length camera? No, no, no; it’s simply one option for an interchangeable-lens camera! And a 21mm-250mm zoom lens would be even better! And it need be only a 12 megapixel camera, with large pixels, so as to capture photos by moonlight ..like the small, light, and ever-so-versatile A7S series.
Yes, David