Constance, in southern German is now on the Leica map: A new Leica Store which opened last weekend and a Leica Gallery will welcome visirtors from May 17.
Leica's redesign of the D-Lux 8 is a distillation of the rather fussy D-Lux 7 appearance and user interface. It looks gorgeous and works effectively. But in the process of simplification, Leica has thrown out some features which, we think, are actually essential.
For the first time ever, German fashion photographer Bernhard Frei shows his personal work in an exhibition. The huge images in the Leica Galerie Konstanz are a proof of what the Leica M11 cameras can do. Open until 14 January, 2024!
After 50 years of working closely with Leica, Meister camera is selling its three stores in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich to Leica Camera Deutschland GmbH to expand the German Leica Store network to 11 locations...
The Leica M6 2022 is an exercise in mechanical high-tech perfection. It is built to last for generations, in direct contrast to today's consumer products. Claus delves into his motivation in buying the new camera
Leica Galerie Konstanz is showing an exhibition with photos by German Artist Petra Gerwers until 7 October 2023. Why it is worth a visit and why you will have to read a lot.
Worldwide demand for the new Leica Q3 fixed-lens full-frame camera is exceeding all the company's expectations. Macfilos confirms the trend in Europe, the USA and Asia...
The Leica Galerie at Konstanz, Germany, is showing images by Italian-born photographer Paolo Burlando from January 27 to April 8, 2023. The passionate Leica M user captures mainly urban scenes all over the world.
It was the book of the Year in Italy in 2018, but judging from the reviews published, “The Girl with the Leica” by Italian writer, Helena Janeczek, had little impact in the English-speaking world. Yet it is a book you should read...