Tag: D-Lux 7

Leica D-Lux 8 loses popular features in quest for “the essential”

The new Leica D-Lux 8 claims to be reduced to "Das Wesentliche". But are all the really essential features present? Doubt is allowed...

Leica and Panasonic’s new joint-venture mirrorless camera

As Panasonic withdraws from development of cheaper compact cameras, a new mirrorless camera is being developed in cooperation with Leica...

Leica D-Lux 7 and the x Ray Barbee edition

Here's one for the bottom drawer: A new Leica D-Lux special edition in chequerboard finish to honour Ray Barbee and Vans. This is surely the Leica special edition you've been waiting for...

Leica’s D-Lux 7 goes all black on us

Eighteen months after the launch of the silver-and-black D-Lux 7, Leica has introduced a stealthy all-black version. It's available from today and costs the same as the silver original.

Red Dot Cameras’ Australian bushfire appeal

London Leica dealer Red Dot Cameras is offering a D-Lux 7 as the price in a draw to support the relief efforts for the Australian bushfires. A donation of just £10 puts you in the running.

Lightroom adds support for Leica M10-P, M10-D and D-Lux 7

Lightroom now supports Leica’s new D-Lux 7, M10-P and M10-D cameras

Leica D-Lux 7: Problems processing RWL files – monochrome output

It looks like Lightroom currently doesn’t like the new Leica D-Lux 7, despite its Panasonic sibling having been on the market for several months. RWL files are currently processing in monochrome, so beware.