The Leica M11-P was often overshadowed by the Leica Q3 last year (and now, since the Q3 43 was released, even more so). That's why it's time to point out the (often underestimated) spectrum of possibilities offered by a rangefinder camera....
Claus sold his Q2 in a rash moment, but this cleared the decks for a new Q3 on the day it was announced. Here are impressions on first acquaintance with the new 28mm full-frame workhorse from Leica...
Historical camera collections help us to understand how photography became such an important medium. Three museums in Germany are especially worth a visit, Deutsches Museum München, Leica Welt Wetzlar, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
As we approach the sad second anniversary of the Covid-19 pandemic, we realise how much everything has changed. Many of us have had to face personal tragedies and professional disruptions. In this context, it seems somewhat far-fetched to discuss the question of how photography and pandemic affected each other. But I want to make a point that it is not irrelevant at all...
Our story of the 70-year-old roll of undevelopled film has captured the world's imagination. It's a great human-interest story at a time of much gloom and doom...
How the Leica M10 Monochrom opens up exciting possibilities in the field of infrared photography. Claus takes us on to a new spectrum in the cities, forests and mountains of Germany
Mystery photographs from 70 years ago: Left in a camera, undeveloped. Thanks to the BBC and an army of volunteers throughout Europe, we are homing in on the identity of the Munich couple and their dog...
I roll of 35mm film exposed two generations ago in Switzerland and Italy. It has remained undeveloped through the decades and now provides a unique and poignant record or a vacation by an unknown family. We would like to get in touch and returned their unseen holiday snaps...