Tag: London

A journey into personal history along the Regent’s Canal

Kevin begins his adventure exploring the historic Regent's Canal through London. He starts with a personal quest for the site of the family timber yard…

Macfilos is back with a busy schedule and, soon, with a new look

The Macfilos team is back from their summer break, and raring to go. We've stayed busy, writing articles that we'll share in the weeks ahead.

Wishing all our readers a happy Christmas season and a photo-filled New Year

A seasonal greeting from the Macfilos editorial team. It's been a busy but highly successful year for the site. The team is busy tucking into turkey with all the trimmings, but the articles will keep rolling.

Conversations: The art of bonding with your photographic subjects

David tells us about a chance encounter with a street crusader which proved pivotal to his photographic career...

Peter Karbe: Leica’s legendary lens designer takes a potter around London’s Mayfair

A small group of enthusiasts had the pleasure of joining legendary Leica lens designer, Peter Karbe, on a photographic stroll through the streets of London…

Manplan Project: The state of Britain at the end of the Swinging Sixties

The Manplan project, which was to become one of the highlights of my career as a photographer, came to...

Charlie Gray exhibition at the Leica Store Mayfair in London

Twelve of Charlie Gray's epic portraits will be featured in an exhibition at the Leica Gallery in London from 14 September to 29 October. Find out more...

History Corner: Arts, crafts, printing, electronic innovation and a dash of patriotism

A quiet corner of West London, hard by the River Thames, is full of history: Technology, arts, crafts, music, royal patronage and a unique typeface that led to a 100-year-old mystery...

Photographic escapades in arcades and colonnades

Keith assuages his love of colonades, arcades, porticos and cloisters in his photographic encouters from California, to London, Spain and Italy...

Leica Q2: The perfect full-frame travel camera?

Is Leica's successful Q2 the ideal travel camera, despite the restructions of its fixed wide-angle lens? Keith sets off for Europe to find out...

The shop that is closing after 500 years

John Buckingham first made ropes on this spot before Henry VIII ascended the throne and sharpened his axe. The store is world renowned under its name for the past 120 years, Arthur Beale. Sadly, after 500 years of business, the shutters are going up for the last time. The business is going online...

Give them an inch: Extraordinary sights in London’s West End

London is already starting to celebrate the end of lockdown and the return to normality. But is the euphoria resulting in a too-sudden turnaround?