You have to wonder why it's important for me to go searching for my "Cameraman". By the age of eight, I’d accrued more passport stamps and booster shots than the average war correspondent...
It's time for a quarterly recap of the most viewed Macfilos articles. No surprise which camera brand dominated the list this time around. Although the site is not devoted exclusively to Leica-related gear, it's clear that's what our readers are most interested in.
The Olympus RC 35 is a rangefinder camera from 1970. This review with many sample images shows where this timeless classic delivers and where not. And what prospective buyers should know.
Historical camera collections help us to understand how photography became such an important medium. Three museums in Germany are especially worth a visit, Deutsches Museum München, Leica Welt Wetzlar, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
Over almost a century, Voigtländer, Zeiss, Ricoh, Olympus made attachable viewfinders. This review (The M Files, ep. 17) shows which are recommendable for your Leica or other rangefinder camera.
22 years after expiry date, we discovered a neglected Club Color 200 film. There was nothing for it: We dug out our Olympus OM-4 Ti and exposed this mystery roll. What would the results be like 22 years after shelf-life was over?
Olympus Has Fallen — at least, the Olympus name has disappeared from the range of cameras. They are now OM System cameras and the new OM-5 is the first of the bunch...
The rebranding of Olympus to OM Systems is a good opportunity to look at the legacy of OM cameras which featured ground-breaking innovations until Olympus messed up. And there even are some very interesting connections to Leica...
Following news of the sale of Olympus cameras to Japan Industrial Partners, it now seems likely that the Olympus brand will be dropped in favour of OMD, PEN and Zuiko. Let's hope that's nothing but a rumour...
This has to be the most ridiculous headline to come in the wake of last week's Olympus news. Olympus ain't going nowhere – and it could be set for even better days...