Based upon the most recent quarterly viewing figures, our readership remains fascinated with stories about Leica gear. A few non-Leica stories sneaked into the top ten list, but guess what — they all described rangefinder cameras. As that Genesis song goes: “I know what I like, and I like what I know”. So, what made the Macfilos top ten? Let’s have a closer look at how you — the readers — voted with your views.
This quarter’s top ten list features stories covering over ten different camera models. But, the overriding theme is undoubtedly Leica. Be they brand-new models or discontinued models, the site’s commitment to covering all things Leica seems to be in line with our reader’s interests.
In addition, rangefinder photography remains a popular topic. For example, Jörg-Peter’s M Files series, which has a devoted following, continued to add well-received episodes. Although it did not make this month’s list, a recent overview of Chinese-manufactured M-lenses extended the series coverage to Asia. This highlights a growing trend we are seeing of low-cost, rangefinder-compatible optics from China. We will be watching this space closely over the coming months.
We are sure you will be happy to hear, however, that an ‘M-Files-adjacent’ story about a non-Leica, non-M Mount rangefinder did make the list.
The authors
Unusually, all but one of the stories this quarter came from the Macfilos core team. However, over the course of the quarter, we posted over fifty articles from fourteen different contributors. As you have heard us say previously, we welcome contributions from old friends and from new readers. You can press the button at the end of the article to learn more about submitting to Macfilos.
You might have noticed that during the last quarter we introduced a weekly ‘Jason’s Newsround’. We aimed to compile a section of recent photography news that, we thought, would be of wide interest. So far, these articles have generated both encouraging levels of readership and comments. As long as that’s the case, we will keep posting them!
So, let’s dip in and see the ten articles which have generated the most interest, beginning, of course, with number ten.
10. Leica meets Fibonacci out on the street
In the fourth article of his street photography series, Keith discussed a mathematical strategy for creating balanced compositions. Dipping into some art history and mathematical formulae, he explained the wonders of Fibonacci’s sequence, and its relevance to photography. Never let it be said that Macfilos lacks diversity of topics, or is insufficiently eclectic.
Street Photography: Leica meets Fibonacci and the golden ratio
Keith James, May 17th 2024
9. Olympus 35 RC
Here’s an article that appeared in our top ten last October, but then dropped off the list. Now it’s back again. Jörg-Peter has a close look at a small but beautifully designed camera that could be your entry point into the world of rangefinder photography. He’s a big fan of the brand that produced it.
Olympus 35 RC: A tiny but true rangefinder camera
Jörg-Peter Rau, July 12th 2023
8. Leica versus Panasonic
This article broke new ground for Macfilos: an editorial sharing perspectives from two members of the team. The occasion was the almost simultaneous release of two quite different cameras, from Leica and Panasonic. Both Leica’s latest D-Lux 8 model and the brand-new Panasonic Lumix S9 received mixed reviews in the press. Keith & Mike also differed in their views on these two pieces of kit. Did you agree with either?
Leica versus Panasonic: A Macfilos editorial view on the latest compacts
Jason Murray, May 24th 2004
7. Leica Q3: photographing the people of Skye at night
Andrew gave us the kind of review that we love: twelve months of user experience accompanied by great photos. He put his Leica Q3 through its paces on a very specific project, capturing the people of the Scottish Island of Skye after dark. We are sure his thorough evaluation of the camera will be of great help to potential purchasers. And, even if we are not in the market for a Q3, we can all enjoy his photography.
Leica Q3: A one-year review, photographing the people of Skye at night
Andrew Tobin, June 14th 2024
6. New kid on the block: The Pixii rangefinder
Feeling a sense of déjà vu? We are not surprised! Jörg-Peter’s review of this modern-day rangefinder has featured in every top-ten list since its publication a year ago. It’s a true perennial favourite, and might even be the definitive review of this intriguing camera. He gives us his unbiased assessment of a digital M-mount camera designed from scratch — but not by Leica. If you are thinking of investing in a Pixii, you might want to have a look. And stay tuned, we expect something new from Pixii rather soon!
New kid on the block: The Pixii rangefinder camera review gives you the full story
Jörg-Peter Rau, April 17th 2023
5. Contax G System
Almost a year to the day after his Pixii review, Jörg-Peter brought us another fascinating rangefinder story. This one covered the glorious, albeit short life, of the Contax G rangefinder system. Its innovative autofocus system set it apart from the Leica M system, but it was eventually superseded by the digital revolution. It’s a beautifully written story about a great idea that sadly led to a dead end.
Contax G System: The other rangefinder camera
Jörg-Peter Rau, April 15th 2024
4. Jeremy’s year shooting landscape with the Leica M11 rangefinder
Mike relayed the story of Jeremy Walker’s conversion to Leica, after a professional career spent using DSLRs. Jeremy uses his new kit, a Leica M11 and four Leica lenses, to capture spectacular colour and B&W images. He has no regrets about his downward move in terms of weight and kit size. His Damascene conversion clearly struck a chord with many Macfilos readers.
Jeremy’s year shooting landscape with the Leica M11 rangefinder
Mike Evans, April 10th 2024
3. Leica in 2024 and 2025
Mike’s earlier crystal ball article (November 2022) was one of our most successful opinion pieces of the past two years. It spurred links from many other publications. No surprise then that the latest version, from our very own photographic Nostradamus, has been a hit. Mike’s uncanny ability to predict Leica’s future releases must have the Wetzlar team marvelling. His latest triumph was predicting in the likely format of the recently released D-Lux 8 model. Spooky!
Leica in 2024 and 2025: What’s next from Wetzlar
Mike Evans, February 5th 2024
2. Street Photography: My stylish Leica companion
This most recent article in Keith’s street photography series was also a paean to an intriguing camera: the Leica TL2. He literally dazzles us with his canary-yellow camera case and examples of people he has photographed on the streets of San Diego. He also compares the vital statistics of his TL2 set up with other popular street photography tools. These include Fuji, Ricoh, and other Leica offerings. If you enjoy ‘compare and contrast’ stories, this one is worth a look.
Street Photography: My pocketable, relatively affordable, and extremely stylish Leica companion
Keith James, May 31st 2024
1. Leica CL to return? What about a new Leica compact?
If there is one topic guaranteed to set Macfilos readers’ blood boiling, it’s the much lamented Leica CL. In this most-read article of the quarter, Mike quickly dispenses with any forlorn hope of this camera reappearing. But he does lay out his recipe for a rumoured new compact, the D-Lux 8. It turned out that many of his wishes were fulfilled, apart from a few, such as a change in the name of the new camera! Well, you can’t win them all.
Leica CL to return? No, never, but what about a new Leica compact?
Mike Evans, April 22nd 2024
We hope you enjoy this compilation, and that it tempts regular readers to revisit some of these popular articles. For new readers, this should give you a flavour of the style, scope and content that Macfilos offers, week in and week out.
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