Leica Society at Leica in London

Last week we reported on the Leica Society’s annual visit to Leica UK at the Duke Street store and gallery. The highlight of that article was David Slater’s impressive strip down of a Leica Q, before our very eyes.

Fellow Leica Society member, Dunk Sargent, has sent in a few more pictures which I am sure readers will enjoy. They give perhaps a better flavour of the day than I was able to give in the earlier article.

My thanks to Dunk for the careful captioning of the photographs. The pictures are all taken with the Leica SL, most with the Leica R 19/2.8 MkII and the David Slater picture with the Leica R 35-70 f/4.

Chris Angeloglou chatting with Leica Ambassadord Robin Sinha. Louise in the background taking oders for David Suchet's book, Behind the Lens.
Chris Angeloglou chatting with Leica Ambassador Robin Sinha. Louise in the background taking oders for David Suchet’s book, Behind the Lens.
John Dudkins LRPS, wearing his Leica watch, charring with Chris Angeloglou, the former Sunday Times picture editor
John Dodkins LRPS, wearing his Leica watch, chatting with Chris Angeloglou, the former Sunday Times picture editor
Leica technician David Slater dismantling the Leica Q
Leica technician David Slater dismantling the Leica Q (see the previous detailed article, link below)
Leica UK managing director Jason Heward brings TLS members up to date on developments.
Leica UK managing director Jason Heward brings TLS members up to date on developments at the company.
Jason Heward and TLS honorary president, David Suchet OBE
Jason Heward and TLS honorary president, David Suchet OBE
Lional Squire, ARPS, chatting with David Suchet and Robin Sinha of Leica
Lionel Squire, ARPS, chatting with David Suchet and Robin Sinha of Leica
Editor Evans at work, left, with Chris Angeloglou, Lionel Square, Nobby Clark, Ohil Coomes, Peter Anderson and Paul Hensel
Editor Evans at work, left, with Chris Angeloglou, Lionel Squire ARPS, Nobby Clark, Phil Coomes, Peter Anderson and Paul Hensel
Peter Anderson discussing his Leica with technicial David Slater and Nobby Clark. Nobby co-edited the Leica Pocket Book 8th Edition, now supplied by Red Dot Books.
Peter Anderson discussing his Leica with technician David Slater and Nobby Clark. Nobby, together with Brian Bower, co-edited the Leica Pocket Book 8th Edition, now published by Red Dot Books.
David Suchet arrives to be greeeted by TLS secretary Tony Cole and, right, Robin Sinha of Leica
TLS Honorary President David Suchet OBE arrives to be greeeted by TLS Chairman Tony Cole and, right, Robin Sinha of Leica
Best images of the afternoon's street photography session  displayed by Robin Sinha. The members took over 400 shots on cameras loaned by Leica.
Best images of the afternoon’s street photography session displayed by Robin Sinha. The members took over 400 shots on cameras loaned by Leica.

You can find our report on the dismantling of the Leica Q here.


  1. David Suchet is my favourite actor – particularly portraying accurately Poirot. Now if Leica had the brilliance to bring out a special Poirot edition I would be on it as it would be so refined and perfect! You are so lucky to be in the presence of such talent!
    Also thanks for the article.

    • The Leica Society membership includes lady Leica enthusiasts. Our lady members are active in e.g. Leica Circle postal folios using a variety of Leica cameras/lenses.

      • And not one of them will be wearing Lilac Lulu Lemon tights or secreting their cameras in a wicker basket. They are made of sterner stuff.

    • I learned too late in life to get a toy poodle to meet woman! On a more serious note, I meet amazing woman photographers but for some reason unknown to me Leica seems largely the domain of men.


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