Richard Alton

What’s the weight of that there sheep, m’dear?

Can you guess the weight of a sheep? Nor could Richard......

A snow day in London

S'no trains, so what does a guy do? He sets off on foot with his Leica M3 in hand.....

At the sign of the rubber gloves: Fridges mended here

Q: What do rubber gloves on sticks mean in Zambia. A: Advertisements for plumbers among others. Richard spotted this exciting "billboard".

Top Cat guarding the motorbike shop

Sylvester the Top Cat was front-of-house manager at Etty & Tyler's motorcycle workshop.....He was a perfect match for the 1950s double-stroke M3

Miss P: Constance the Tamworth Pig

Richard is fond of pigs. And Constance was definitely a pig for the casting couch.....

Man with a tin bath, man without a camera

What happens when you see a good shot but have forgotten to carry a camera. These days the smartphone comes to the rescue. But it is such a part of everyday life that we often forget that it‘s there and that is can produce some remarkable results.


Dogs About Town: One camera, one lens, lots of dogs

An double-stroke M3 and rigid Summicron meets the Town Dogs....

The Long March: Making peace with the Leicaflex

Feel like a peace march outing but don't want to risk the family silver? Richard found a cheap solution in the form of a Leicaflex and 50mm Summicron R......

Zambia with the Leica M8: Cropped CCD sensor still produces the goods

Reader Richard Alton, who lives in Zambia, has a focused approach to his photography: He uses the first two Ms of their type, an M3 for film and an M8 for digital. Why change a successful formula?